Cannes Lions



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Case Film






In a country where 11,000 car accidents have been reported due to drunk driving in 2012, RYMCO/Nissan wanted to position its new Sentra and Juke as brands that cared about their customer’s safety.

Nissan wanted to make sure that young drunk drivers would get home safely, so we decided that the only way to do that was to drive them home ourselves! Our strategy was to make sure that the Lebanese youth would be reached on a personal level, in a serious yet playful memorable way! Therefore, we reached them through their favorite hangout zones: Facebook and nightlife.

For those who weren't sober, Nissan took over!

We created a Facebook app where people would suggest and we would arrest! This application allowed people to brief our Nissan squad about the location of their drunk driving friends. This police squad raided the suggested locations, and made the suspects undergo sobriety tests. Videos of the arrested suspects were edited and posted online. Given the sensitivity of the topic, and that those episodes were going to be aired online, we wanted to run the activation in selected areas for only 2 weeks. Our KPIs were: 10 arrests, 4 locations, 8000 views.


It all started with a Facebook app where people would suggest and we would arrest!

The app allowed people to brief our Nissan squad about the location of their drunk driving friends.

The Nissan police squad would raid the locations and suspects undergo sobriety tests, pictures were quickly posted online, shared, viewed, tweets, bloggers, videos of the arrested suspects were also viewed and shared.

Hangover kits were given at the end of each raid that included Coffee Tumbler, mint drops as hangover tools.

Given the sensitivity of the topic, and that those episodes were going to be aired online, we wanted to run the activation in selected areas for only 2 weeks. Our KPIs were: 10 arrests, 4 locations, 8000 views, 10 PR placements. We ended up doing this for 4 weeks, 30 arrests, 11 locations and more than 15,000 views and 30 placements.


The topic ran on all major social network channels, tweeted and discussed by thousands reaching countries as far as England and India, with our app receiving countless suggests! We busted 30 suspects in various locations in less than 4 weeks, while creating an on ground engagement with over 3000 of the Lebanese youth!

The campaign, to date, has received a total of 30 placements in a one month period. It reached out to 1,048,916 people in traditional media with 7 blogs reaching 62,188 followers. There were 51 mentions on Twitter, 54 mentions on Instagram and YouTube videos gathered more than 11,536 views.

84% of the placements covered the key messages penetrated in the news release, 16% of the articles developed by bloggers did not reach the cover all key messages of the campaign.

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