Cannes Lions


DAVID, Miami / CORONA / 2022


1 Silver Cannes Lions
2 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
Case Film
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Case Film
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Information Deck
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Information Deck
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Information Deck
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Information Deck
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From grueling working hours to little time off from indoor offices, living in cities with low sun exposure, or the pandemic, people around the world aren’t getting as much sun as they should. Over 1 billion people worldwide have vitamin D deficiency and Corona, a brand rooted in the sun, had to do something about this. The objective was to make the feeling of the sun tangible and launch Corona Sunbrew 0.0%, a proactive innovation that would become the world's first non-alcoholic beer infused with vitamin D. Once Sunbrew 0.0% was rolled out, the global KPI was to hit 500M earned impressions and 5-8M earned impressions in Canada, the launch market, by the end of the first week.


Today, 1 billion people worldwide suffer from vitamin D deficiency. Corona Sunbrew 0.0% is the first-ever non-alcoholic beer infused with Vitamin D, offering Sunshine Anytime to people with 30% of the recommended daily value of vitamin D in every bottle. Sunbrew sold out all 100 thousand liters produced in Canada in just one month, and until the end of 2022, Corona is projecting to sell 6.7M bottles in Canada, delivering the equivalent of almost 28,000 extra sunny days. Sunbrew is also bound to be on shelves next across Europe, Asia, and South America, in order to spread even more sunshine worldwide


The PR strategy behind Corona Sunbrew 0.0% was spot on. The main asset was the product itself, which took over 2 years of development and was first of its kind, this was supported by the Sunshine, Anytime campaign assets, which emphasized the transformational power of the sun and of this new product innovation. The launch of the product occurred during the coldest, darkest months of Canada’s winter, precisely when people need vitamin D in their bodies and can’t get it outside. Then, we went after marketing and advertising publications to talk about Sunbrew, after that, we went after food and beverage publications to explain our product and last, but no least, lifestyle publications.


The idea was pitched in November 2019, then after 2 years of research and development, Corona finally found a way to infuse Vitamin D in its formula without ruining its taste, launching Sunbrew 0.0% in January 2022 and making it one of ABI’s most revolutionary innovations in recent years. During these two years, the agency worked in parallel to develop the creative campaign and strategy behind the product. We went after one of the greatest directors in the world to create a gorgeous film and digital assets showing a day at the beach unfolding naturally, with the sun transforming everything it touches. First launched in Canada, Sunbrew sold out all 100 thousand liters in just one month and by the end of 2022, is projecting to sell 6.7M bottles in the country. Sunbrew is also bound to be on shelves next across Europe, Asia, and South America.


Corona’s goal was to hit 500 million PR impressions with Corona Sunbrew 0.0%, but the project surpassed that KPI in only two days; in total, Corona garnered nearly 4.8 billion impressions during its launch week, the most significant PR initiative ever in the history of the brand. Sunbrew 0.0% sold out all 100k liters produced in Canada in just one month and became an instant success on all social platforms, with 93% positive sentiment on social media and 100% key message and brand mention pull through. Until the end of 2022, Corona is projecting to sell 6.7M bottles of Sunbrew 0.0% in Canada, delivering the equivalent of almost 28,000 extra sunny days. Sunbrew is also bound to be on shelves next across Europe, Asia, and South America, in order to spread even more sunshine worldwide. The production and media investment were 2M, but client did not share R&D investment.

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