Cannes Lions



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Monoprix is France’s leading city centre supermarket chain for all the needs of daily life. With the recession, a sense of gloom has pervaded people’s day-to-day lives. Our answer to this was optimism, a rejection of the ordinary and an injection of magic into the everyday. Our message was that daily life should never be routine. We wanted to create a sensation using the product itself as the advertising medium through innovative retailing and product design. 2000 different packagings were created to give more visibility to Monoprix’s daily products – no images, but with a unique play on words on each of them.


Our idea was to create a sensation using the product itself as the advertising medium through innovative retailing and product design.2000 different packagings were created to give more visibility to Monoprix’s daily products – no images, but with a unique play on words on each product.

The message and the products appeared in supermarket aisles, on posters in shop windows and on billboards all across France. Videos went online commenting on the campaign. Libération, the leading daily paper in France launched a special promotional issue. Giant products appeared to people on their daily commutes, a French artist created a giant can of tomatoes and placed it on his scooter, right in front of the Pompidou Center. Our message: Daily life should never be routine.


The campaign was a huge success with articles in the press and on the web and hundreds of reactions on social networks.Most importantly French people love it:+ 20% increase in sales of tinned tomatoes+ 0,1 increase in market share+ 1,5 increase in Monoprix’s popularity indexIn 2010 Monoprix surpassed previous income records with a 4 billion net profit.

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