Cannes Lions


MINDSHARE, Mexico City / L'OREAL / 2014

Presentation Image
Case Film






The ‘elderly’ people were actually young, trained dancers. Using convincing masks, prosthetic limbs and make up, we made them look much, much older. We choreographed some street dances. We recorded a dance track with the lead singer of Kinky. The dancers shuffled into Mexico City. In front of amazed onlookers, they began popping their moves to the track. Shoppers stopped in amazement. They took pictures and video and stared as the ‘elderly’ shoppers spun on their heads, moonwalked, and so on. They did it for three days. We filmed the scenes. We loaded the scenes onto YouTube. So did the onlookers. We amplified our brand message on sites like Facebook, Terra Live Music and Spotify. Our target loved it.


The combination of humour and music was irresistible to young Mexicans. Almost two million of them were impacted. By generating 450 million impressions, we achieved a communication return on investment of five to one. But did they turn off when they saw our brand was responsible? No. Even though they knew it was a brand communication, because they enjoyed the content, 36% said they were impacted three times.

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