Cannes Lions

Taco Bell Class of 19'

CREATIVE DRIVE , San jose / TACO BELL / 2019

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Case Film






Cool Fact #1: High School seniors go for a bite to eat at a fast food restaurant near school after classes.

Cool Fact #2: In Costa Rica the tradition is for seniors to create their own shirt design to wear to school each day.


If a senior high school class designs their senior shirt with Taco Bell, the shirt becomes a wearable coupon that gives them incredible promotions during the entire school year at Taco Bell.


Hundreds of students visit fast food restaurants after classes each day, so we took advantage of this behavior and owned it for Taco. With this loyalty program, we offer the kids a whole experience from creating the shirt, to going each day to Taco after classes during the whole school year.

The idea was to differentiate Taco from the other fast food restaurants, which were doing nothing interesting for this specific target.


We announced the campaign in the social media channels of the brand. In order to become the first class of Taco, the students only had to send an email with the application. From over more than 100 applications we selected the kids that had the "Live Mas" attitude, Horizonte 2000 High School.

In a session with the students from Horizonte and the design team for Taco, they created the ideal shirt, combining different elements from their imagination. We only added one requirement: the shirt must have the Pantone Color 669, better known as “Taco Bell Purple”

After the design session, the shirt was ready to be made and used during the whole year of 2019 by the students of Horizonte. This also initiated their shirts to be used as their wearable coupon with exclusive promos for them.


The campaign received more than one hundred applications from high schools around the country. This year Taco Bell selected only one High School, but due to the success of the idea, Class of 2020 will feature all the high schools who completed the application.

The nearest Taco to Horizonte increased their visit rate in a 50%, influencing directly in a larger number of transactions. This impulsed the brand to carry on the initiative for the involvement of all the different high schools next year, forecasting a very positive volume of sales.

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