Cannes Lions

Taken in Victoria

CHE PROXIMITY, Melbourne / RACV / 2019

Presentation Image
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Demo Film
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RACV is Australia’s largest, most trusted insurer. And they usually insure large things. Houses, cars – that kind of stuff. Unfortunately RACV’s customer base is quite old with more than half of them over the age of 56. In order to capture a new, younger market, RACV launched Single Item Insurance. A first of its kind in Australia, RACV Single Item Insurance allowed people to insure just ONE thing, like a laptop, bike or camera. They were then covered wherever they were if it was broken or stolen.

This is the kind of product perfect for a 25 year old who only really has one expensive item. And it’s probably the most important thing they own. The brief was to launch this new product and attract a younger audience that RACV had lost touch with a long time ago.


We reunited a young photographer with his stolen camera to create a sweeping product demonstration, Victoria’s largest ever open-air gallery and a fully connected outdoor experience. The exhibition that wouldn’t have happened without a stolen camera.

2016: Amateur photographer Bodhi Bailey’s 1976 Mamiya 645 camera was taken from his car. He wasn’t insured. So he stopped taking photos.

2019: RACV, Australia’s most trusted insurer, heard the story. They replaced his camera. Insuring it with new Single Item Insurance. Cover for your favourite possession, no matter where you take it. And commissioned Bodhi to travel the state with his newly replaced camera. His shots became the campaign.

Victoria’s largest ever open-air gallery: 185 contextual billboards became gallery spaces.

A fully connected digital experience: Each site was geofenced. Using location data, viewers were targeted with video content. They could click through to insure their own favourite thing.


We were targeting a young demographic. So the campaign used a combination of OOH and digital to tell Bodhi’s story and sell Single Item Insurance. By geofencing each OOH execution, then directly serving viewers in its vicinity digital and film assets based on their location data, we led prospects to a landing page where they could take up RACV Single Item Insurance. And also had the ability top retarget each prospect with ongoing content from the campaign and communications from RACV Insurance.


1200 kms. 30 rolls of film. 464 original photographs. We used Bodhi’s shots to transform traditional media spaces into gallery spaces with 185 contextual billboards right across Victoria. Every piece of outdoor was also its own connected digital experience. By geo-fencing each billboard, RACV used consumers’ location data to target them with video content, narrated by Bodhi, describing the photograph they’d just seen and the benefits of Single Item Insurance. Viewers could also watch the film of Bodhi’s whole story. Then click through to purchase RACV Single Item Insurance for their own treasured possessions.


Commercial Objective:

• Increase Sales of SII by 5%

Commercial Results:

• 18.7% increase in sales

• 133% increase since launching the ‘Taken in Victoria’ campaign launch in people insuring their cameras with SII

Marketing Objective:

• 50% of new policies from new to RACV

• 15% of new members to be between 25 and 34 years old

Marketing Results:

• 68% of policies have been taken out by new members

• 57% of these new members are within 17-34 age bracket – new target audience

Communication Objective

• Increase engagement of RACV Single Item Insurance

Communication Results:

• 79% of those who saw the campaign attributed SII to RACV

• 11% increase in time spent on product page

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