Cannes Lions

The Green Parents’ Data Farm

OMD HONG KONG, Hong Kong / WYETH / 2018

Presentation Image
Case Film






Just like other green enthusiast, if you can’t find something in the market, you grow it. We decided to cultivate data in from scratch. Unlike conventional data audience profiling model which rely on existing data set, data farming is a process that helped us to develop ways to identify, create and capture data that is most insightful for our business, ultimately turning ourselves from data consumers to data creators.

As an industry first, “the Green Parents Data Farm” is our idea to “grow” data out of content. The goal of the farm is to segregate upscale mums according to their interest level over organic products, assuming they will look for information at different depth:

Group 1 – Organic Veterans: Rationalized their choice with hard facts. Deep-diving into scientific aspect of “being organic”, reasons-to-believe and credibility of our EU Certificates

Group 2 - Audiences indicated some interest over organic products: Focused on product benefits, explained merits of an organic lifestyle to the next generation with easy-to-digest parental information and daily scenarios

Group 3 - Audiences who have not indicated any interest in organic products: Provided leisure content depicted an organic lifestyle in a fun way to entice audiences finding out more.


With the right content and digital products, we could make them self-identify and expand the groups using look-a-like tactics, with an ultimate goal to go out of existing data pool, reaching out new prospects using the right content.

Only with quality seeds could data farming be successful. Partnering with Yahoo, world’s biggest content creation hub with data intelligence, we created HK’s first information hub of organic milk powder across their premium portals, including lifestyle blog “Better Me”, “Yahoo Travel” & Parental Portal “Mami Buy. Based on the context of each platform, we customized contents for respective groups, according to our strategy.


Generated over 15M on target Impressions and 67K clicks, more than 80,000 audiences engaged with our chatbot

• Cultivated over 42,000 quality audience who are keen to learn more about our product:

• Dwell Time on product page at 1min 56s, 163% longer than average site visitors

• Video completion rate at 81% VS 71% average

• CTR of video and display ad improved by 26% and 175% by the end of campaign

• Post Campaign sales increased by 800%

• Won 33% of market share in the organic powder segment with just 3 months

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