Cannes Lions

The Least Active Kids in History

FP7/DXB, Dubai / OMO / 2018

Presentation Image
Case Film
Presentation Image
Case Film
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Our goal was to shed light on the reality of kids’ lives today.

To provoke parents and get them to get their kids off couches and beds, we showed them the reality of their kids’ lives in an unconventional way.

To wake parents up to the fact that kids today are ‘the least active kids ever’ and spend on average 23 hours a day inactive, we created the longest live stream in Facebook’s history; a 23-hour video showing a kid doing absolutely nothing, apart from sleeping, playing video games, checking in on social, watching Netflix and hover-boarding his way to and from the kitchen.

The videos were long and boring for good reason, as they were a live, visual representation of kids’ lives today.

Their one purpose was to depict exactly what kids spend their day doing. No exaggeration, just a literal translation based on a regional research.


Along with the 23-hour live stream, we also made a 7-hour video about screen time. And a 4-hour one about TV time.

With parents debating the inactivity of #KidsToday, we switched from provoking them, to helping them.

We teamed up with child psychologists who responded online in real time, explaining the importance of active play.

We launched shorter films where kids reminded their parents that if they aren’t encouraged to get off the couch, more of them will end up depressed, obese, or with learning difficulties.

Webisodes were created with medical professionals to help parents overcome key challenges.

And ambient messaging in playgrounds drove parents online to know more about the campaign.

Finally, we turned eBay into an advertising channel by giving away kids’ swings and slides for free, to help encourage more outdoor play.

The social media buzz generated interactions, conversations and debates, bringing much-needed attention for the topic.


Parents spent an average of 5 minutes 9 seconds watching the ad vs the global average of 24 seconds; which makes it one of the most viewed live streams on YouTube and Facebook to date. 1.3 billion seconds in just 23 hours.

But more importantly, the ads highlighted the inactive lifestyles of kids today which ignited a fierce debate online, received 5.94 million interactions in just 23 hours, with 3.4 million hashtag mentions (#KidsToday), 3.3 million Twitter mentions, 1.97 million Facebook mentions and 40,000 comments on YouTube.

The campaign was the most successful digital and social campaign in OMO’s history.

Even leading TV channels picked up on the story.

By the end of the campaign, 82% of parents voted to get their kids outside more often.

Now that’s good news for both kids, and washing powder brands. OMO sales increased by 98.3% vs. the same period last year.

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