Cannes Lions

The live celebration

TBWA\PARIS, Boulogne-Billancourt / PMU / 2017

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Knowing every day, an average of 550.000 bets are won with PMU, we decided to collect every single win data on real time during one day. We then connected those live data to a Twitter account, generating a tweet each time a bet was won. In total, 556.227 messages have been posted in 24hours and awarded @PariezSurVous as the fastest Twitter account ever by Guinness World Records. Each message was also personalized according to the place, time, and name of the winner. The pace of posts was 6 tweets per second!


We received live data from every betting spot in France, live during 24hours. We then turned those real-time data into personalized messages to celebrate every single winner on Twitter @PariezSurVous. On that day, 6winners/second were recorded! And each message was instantly posted to our dedicated account during 24h. Using Twitter allowed the brand to achieve its need of recruiting younger players. In total, 556.227 messages have been posted in 24hours and awarded @PariezSurVous as the fastest Twitter account ever by Guinness World Records!


By posting 556.227 messages on Twitter during 24hours, we proved to the new generation that PMU creates more winners than any other game. More than 550.000 per day on average! By celebrating every single winner with an instant post on Twitter we even became the fastest Twitter account in history according to the Guinness World Records (6 tweets/second). A performance widely appreciated by the new generation. The campaign generated a 89% of positive impact (only 11% negative reactions on Twitter, Crimson). 9 Million Twitter impressions. #PariezSurVous in Trending Topic for 7 hours. And a €1.1 Million increase on bets during the same week.

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