Cannes Lions

The New HumanityCalendar


Presentation Image
Case Film






SITUATION: Suddenly we and 6 billions other people found ourselves in the middle of a pandemic. Locked in our houses, away from everything and everyone. A moment of true shared fear.

BRIEF: Helping people to overcome that fear and react through an artistic approach.

OBJECTIVES: Lavazza wanted to go beyond its role for brand communication and become the spokesperson for a powerful appeal in favour of re-awakening sensitivity of individuals.


Defeating the fear with our humanity, our “new” humanity born during the lockdown,

by involving the greatest possible number of “humans”.

At the beginning with an open letter we engaged interpreters around the World:

talents able to inspire people through their thoughts and their examples. 21 joined us.

Photographers, actors, poets, fashion designers, architects, musicians, excellences in social commitment: a true avant-garde capable of paving the way to a World fit for humanity.

"The New Humanity" has become a great reflection on our present through a Calendar, a magazine, an online platform, a brand campaign, a TV program and a final auction for "Save the Children”.


INSIGHT: In the closures, in the hardness and distances of the lockdown we understood the importance of small things and we have gained a new sensitivity.

We discovered ourselves more human and we asked ourselves “what will come next?”. Rethinking humanity or thinking of a new humanity? We chose the latter.

KEY MESSAGE: There is a new humanity on the horizon.

TARGET AUDIENCE: Coffee lovers, stakeholders, Good People.

CREATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF ASSETS: We launched the hashtag #thenewhumanity on the first day post lockdown with a commercial(, which we transformed into the concept of the Calendar and into a cultural platform.


IMPLEMENTATION: Closed and forced into our houses, we decided to open up to as many interpreters as possible.

With an open letter we involved 13 photographers, one per month plus the cover, and six ambassadors entrusting the story and vision of the “New Humanity” to their sensitivity.

TIMELINE: From March 2020 until the launch in November.


21 artists.10 influencers. Reach top influencer: 959.946. 364 articles. Twitter Impressions: 8.501.556. Estimated Earned: 23,5 M. All the 13 photos and the 1000 Calendars sold at auction.

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