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The onUp Challenge


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Money is the #1 source of stress for Americans today. Yet most Americans would rather have a root canal than learn how to handle their money with confidence. As part of The onUp Movement, an ongoing campaign to help America find its financial confidence, SunTrust Bank created The onUp Challenge, a gamified, online financial literacy experience that finally makes taking control of your financial life easy and fun. Whether you are just starting out or have more experience with money, The onUp Challenge guides you through seven unique “Lands of Confidence” that help you identify actionable pathways to accomplish your goals. Simple activities, powerful tools and inspiring advice propel you out of the financial woods and up to the peak of your financial confidence where you have the skills and knowledge you need to chase your dreams.


Financial stress feels like you are lost, alone in the darkest of woods. And that’s exactly where you begin your journey through The onUp Challenge. From there you travel through seven uniquely designed and thematically independent (forest, swamp, lake, valleys, bluff, cave and mountaintop) lands of confidence on your way up to the peak of confidence. Easy-to-use tools and simple to perform financial activities help you begin to take control of not just the game world but also your real life. We drew on some of the best practices of the mobile gaming world – basic vector-based forms, unified themes, heroic activities to perform, playful interactive characters to meet in addition to giving users log-in functionality to save and reload their progress. The entire experience works seamlessly across all devices ensuring that no matter who you are or where you are you can win the ultimate prize: total financial confidence.


The onUp challenge launched on November 13, 2017. The integrated launch included pre-roll video, digital banners, social media, streaming audio, email, paid search, shelfspace, content/native advertising, RTO, in-branch and PR activations. Since then we have seen an increase in participants of The onUp Movement and SunTrust has tied with Chase as #3 in brand consideration as of Q4 ‘17 and YTD.

From Nov. - Dec. 2017, our team created banners and pre-roll video to help drive site traffic to The onUp Challenge (Nov-Dec ‘17) resulting in:

• 29,306,590 Impressions

• 7,698 onUp Challenge Visits

• 78% Video Completion Rate

• 165,198 Clicks

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