Cannes Lions

The Spirit Of Don Julio

NBTV, New York / DIAEGO / 2019

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We pitched several ideas to Diageo, who was looking for groundbreaking new content that would feel closer to an Original rather than a traditional advertorial.


Create a unique piece of content that would be a game changer in the spirits industry.

This type of film, at this quality, has never been done before for a spirits brand.


Increase awareness of tequila as a high quality craft product with several regulations to ensure quality (e.g. wine).

Expand brand awareness to a demographic that was younger, more mixed both ethnically and gender-wise than the traditional white male audience, 35-60, that the spirits world is usually centered around.


The center of this story is the late Don Julio Gonzalez, a man with humble origins who from the 40ies onwards redefined the category of tequila, elevating the standards of production and establishing new quality standards for the product. Elevating this piece beyond 'just a distillery walkthrough', is a powerful, multidimensional and enriching journey that will mesmerize, educate and inspire both tequila connoisseurs and newbies. Unconventional, experiential travel is particularly appealing, across genders, to a younger audience, who continue to demonstrate a preference for authentic travel experiences that transcend the concept of traditional tourism. Our host, a leading influencer in the food and drink world, takes us on a journey through Jalisco, the region where tequila is made, meeting local top chefs, artists, workers and scientists, who all offer an intimate insight into the cultural context within which tequila is made.


The ask from our client Diageo was to create innovative content that would transcend the traditional marketing and advertising formats they have been developing.

The goal of this piece was to align ourselves as closely as possible to an original piece of content, transcending the 'hard sell' inherent in an advertorial and rather offering a broader story about the making of tequila as a century old craft particular to a specific region of Mexico, Jalisco.

Think Chef's Table lyrical beauty meets Parts Unknown's love of local culture)

Additionally, this film will serve as the launch piece of the Spirits Network, a unique new OTT channel, available across Apple TV/Roku/Desktop and Mobile, which will feature unique in-app click to buy opportunities for the spirits mentioned in the content showcased.


- The Director and Writer Marta Chierego developed the idea and selected the cast between November 2018 and February 2019

- Shoot Days: 6x days, February 2019

- Distribution online + select US Theaters


We are still in the process of gathering distribution data, in partnership with our client Diageo.

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