Cannes Lions

TMA-2 Modular Packaging System

AIAIAI, Copenhagen / AIAIAI / 2016

Presentation Image
Case Film
Supporting Images






With the vast amount of possibilities of how the product can look, means that in general, a more graphic and industrial approach was chosen over product photography.

The minimal matte black TMA headphones share the name with the black monoliths of 2001: A Space Odyssey. Using this shape, which turned 90°, also is represented in the hyphen from TMA-2. Quite fittingly, the hyphen is a symbol of connecting parts, words - and in ancient Greek, means together.

Consequently a minimal, yet playful, visual grid and pattern was applied on the box and the product part bags, resulting in a typographic concept that includes variations and the ability to evolve.


The standard top box for webshop orders, has the modular grid embossed and screenprinted logo/text. It connects with a lower box part and contains the four bags with parts.

While the ‘presets’ - special top boxes that show a predefined model - and display information specific to the headphone, and are used mainly for retailers. This lid also connects with the standard generic lower box.

All boxes are held together using plastic pegs on the sides of the lower box, that also function as a lock system, where you push two buttons on the sides simultaneously, to unlock the top lid.

The recyclable aluminium bags display the different part categories on the front, while stickers show the precise details/stats of the individual part on the back. The stickers have no set placement, and are placed on the grid in different positions.


Numerous graphic design media/blogs, as well as customers on social media, have reviewed, showcased or praised the design.

Some have gone as far as saying they wanted to buy it, just for the packaging. Which off course is an overstatement, but also shows that the packaging is important - and can be a deciding factor - in the buying process. And ads value to the brand.

As stated earlier the concept with all the different parts and their flexibility, therefore multiplying the number of potential ‘unique’ or different pieces of packaging options for the end-consumer.

The TMA-2 modular box is around 20% smaller than the predecessor (the TMA-1 headphone series) - saving not only space and money, but resulting in a reduced strain on the environment.

All in all, it is a systematic design and typographic language accommodating change over time, future production, new parts, shipping costs, sustainability and modularity.

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