Cannes Lions


AIAIAI, Copenhagen / AIAIAI / 2013

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AIAIAI commissioned Japanese sound artist Yuri Suzuki to remake an iconic black cab into a "Sound Taxi” in London.

It is a cross between a live event, promotion - and quite literally a piece of ambient outdoor advertising, as it was equipped with a microphone that recorded the surrounding noise.

Specially designed software, then analysed the frequencies of these noises and uses them to generate unique music in real time.

People passing by would hear the music through the 67 speakers and was given the opportunity to tune-in to the converted sounds via the headphones installed inside of the vehicle placed next to the Covent Garden Apple Store. It took tours of different parts of London, with a variety of passengers consisting of online competition winners, journalists and random Londoners.

The musical creations from each tour, was uploaded on for download and listening purposes.


The project not only made people look, interact, talk, smile, take photographs, tweet – and listen, it also became one of the main news stories of the day. Featured in a big variety of media. From an Evening Standard newspaper feature, a BBC radio interview, to trendsetting UK sites, as well as leading international tech blogs and local news-media.

All in all, the project had 350.000 interactions from consumers, listening and downloading, liking the content and seeing the video, and in total more than 25.000.000 media impressions from the vast amount of editorial coverage.

A solid ROI of the £15.000 budget.

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