Cannes Lions


SAATCHI & SAATCHI LA, Los Angeles / TOYOTA / 2010

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In order to get fans to engage with the Toyota brand, we set up a contest to allow them to design their own personally sponsored NASCAR Cup car online. The winning design would be put on a real car at a televised race.TV, radio, print, banners and additional media coverage all drove to the centerpiece of the campaign… the website. There, users were given the tools to create a completely custom car, and encouraged to share their work via social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter to rally votes from their friends.


The launch of the Sponsafier contest was centered around the Daytona 500, NASCAR’s biggest event. In the week leading up to the big race, we received extensive media coverage on SPEED TV, including live demonstrations of the site from on-air talent and professional drivers. At the same time, we were running the first: 30 spot, called Amanda, to generate buzz for the upcoming launch/contest.On race day, we aired our :60 Anthem spot in front of over 40 million viewers, driving to the Sponsafier Website that went live that same day.Following the Daytona 500, we have continued to air unique :30 versions of the anthem spot, (Warlock and Kimmy) as well as the original :30 spot (Amanda). Banners and radio have run during this phase as well.


By the end of Daytona weekend, the Sponsafier site had already registered over 45,000 users.That number has now climbed to over 120,000. The site has also received 8 million page views, accepted 85,000 unique car designs, and has been shared on Facebook and Twitter over 700,000 times. The top design received over 60,000 votes.The client, due to the tremendous success of the campaign, has increased funding to add additional Sponsafier contests to carry through the remainder of the race season.

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