Dubai Lynx

Unboxing Skin


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Case Film
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While Saudi Arabia is opening up, there are some things it hasn't opened up to just yet. Skin biases & colorism are largely prevalent, leading to dangerous beauty practices. Research revealed 9 in 10 Saudi women are dissatisfied with their appearance, with 63% engaging in harmful skin-lightening practices, influenced by perceptions of self-esteem, beauty standards, social class, and employment opportunities.

NIVEA wanted to promote care for every shade of beautiful along with promotions for their body lotions made for every skin type. The brand needed to express its care in new, provocative ways. So we identified an urgent need for a campaign promoting skin positivity. The objective was clear: to challenge and change the entrenched beauty perceptions across the Kingdom by leveraging an innovative approach.

Thus, "Unboxing Skin" was born—a campaign aiming to repackage beauty standards by sparking skin positivity dialogue.


NIVEA sought to fight this harmful narrative by delivering a message of skin positivity far and wide across the Kingdom. A partnership with Amazon would do just that, while making history as the first brand to tie up with the retail giant in the country.

First, we aggregated data and skin analysis to create a spectrum of the most diverse skin tones of Saudi Arabia.

Then, we used the findings to redesign 300,000 Amazon boxes that carried an open-ended message: 'MY SKIN IS MY_______' inviting recipients to complete it and reflect on the significance of their skin.

Turning the iconic box, for the first time ever, into a symbol of collective beauty and a canvas for self-expression.

Each parcel serves as invitation to take part in a long-overdue conversation currently trending on social media under the hashtag #MySkinIsMy, where people express their views on outdated skin biases.


The strategy behind "Unboxing Skin" was multifaceted, focusing on data-driven insights to address widespread skin biases in Saudi Arabia. Initially, extensive data gathering and skin analysis were conducted to reflect the country's diverse skin tones accurately. Targeting the entire population, with a particular emphasis on the fact that 63% of Saudi women engage in skin-lightening practices, the campaign was aimed at individuals longing for societal acceptance and inclusion.

The partnership with Amazon was pivotal, utilizing its extensive reach as the platform for delivering the campaign's message, ensuring relevance and engagement. The approach was to transform every Amazon parcel into a conversation starter about skin positivity.

By encouraging recipients to complete the phrase "MY SKIN IS MY_______" on the boxes, the campaign invited personal reflection and opened a public conversation on skin diversity, leveraging social media to amplify its message and engage a broader audience.


The execution was a meticulously planned operation, launched in collaboration with Amazon—the first of its kind in Saudi Arabia.

Over 300,000 specially designed Amazon boxes were distributed, each bearing the open-ended message "MY SKIN IS MY_______" to spark conversation and reflection on skin diversity and beauty standards.

This campaign spanned across Saudi Arabia, ensuring widespread impact. We used Amazon's delivery system to ensure that the boxes were spread across all the regions of the Kingdom, turning a simple parcel delivery into a powerful delivery of a message.

The scale was national, making every box a catalyst for change in perceptions of beauty and skin color inclusivity.

This initiative sparked conversations across social media with Saudi women engaged with the topic.


Every single Amazon delivery nationwide transformed to a skin unboxing experience. This then started a long-overdue conversation under the hashtag #MySkinIsMy. Thousands of people shared their testimonies and expressed their opinions on outdated skin biases thus repackaging the country's beauty narrative

300,000 Boxes Delivered Across KSA

1.5Million+ People Reached

$1.8Million Earned Media Value

35% Visitor Increase on NIVEA Amazon Shop

12% Sales Increase in NIVEA Body Lotions

60% Increase in “Skin Inclusivity” Conversations 

40% of impacted users reported a positive perception of their skin

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