Cannes Lions

What if Every Age was the best age?


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Case Film
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Our focus groups identified a strong sense of community at the heart of Irish life - both on a day to day basis and in people's sense of themselves as a nation.

From this the “I love my age” campaign was born - in Ireland it is the community that helps Irish people bloom every day.

And how best to create a campaign that both reflects and and reinforces that community? By having Irish people describe what they love most about their age. A campaign about the people, by the people.

We created storyscapes for each generation based on themes we felt would resonate most. We tested those themes in an omnibus survey and chose those that performed best.

From more than 400 people we recruited 105 participants, from zero to 105 years old, using a questionnaire to identify people with a positive outlook and an inspiring story to tell.


Hosting a party is one thing. Finding the right people with the most interesting things to say, quite another.

We extensively researched our storyscapes and storytellers with an in-house brand storyteller and professional interviewer to help find the best stories.

We identified the 10 ‘hero’ characters most likely to connect from our audience, one from each decade between 0 and 105.

The result was more than eight hours of sometimes stunning testimony which spoke to anyone of every age about love and friendship, life and death, and why the best age is however old you happen to be right now.

The images, stories, and video we captured on the day delivered a rich bank of owned content for Yoplait.

We chose social media as the lead platform because it best reflected the ‘community’ message of the campaign, but it was used across multiple platforms including TV, online and print media.


By helping people fall in love with themselves we helped them fall back in love with Yoplait.

The three month campaign increased Yoplait’s brand appeal to 52% and brand love among its target audience of Irish women grew to 35%, more than doubling the intent to purchase.

The campaign took Yoplait off the shelf and put it back at the heart of Irish people’s life.

The campaign reached 92% of its target audience and a quarter of the Irish population saw the video. Brand Love increased by 16% and consideration doubled.

It also raised money for charity, with Yoplait donating £30 to Age Action for each person featured, raising more than £3,000.

Such was its success that Yoplait brand owner General Mills has presented the campaign to its business on a global scale.

The Yoplait brand message was simple and yet so rarely spoken: every age is your best age.

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