Cannes Lions

Where Life Happens

AKESTAM HOLST, Stockholm / IKEA / 2018


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Case Film
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We launched the concept 'Where life happens 2017' to show that Ikea’s products can help solve or improve all kinds of emotional everyday problems. Whatever the problem might be. Through this integrated campaign, we did everything from creating ads that were also fully functional pregnancy test promoting baby cribs, to show family situations far beyond what you’re used to see in advertising such as adoption, dementia and the hardships of single parenting. We created ultra boring TrueView ads, so boring they became irresistible to watch and more (please see case film ). We proved that Ikea is where life happens and that it’s life in itself that is our biggest source of inspiration.


This case creates unique and creative executions for every single media used, without leaving the rules and regulations for each media. It reinvents or challenges the media format without leaving the core of the concept: Where Life Happens. In print the campaign presents a fully functional pregnancy test as an ad, a limited edition ad that became viral and talked about by millions. Today 33% of all Swedes have heard about the ad and know that Ikea can offer great prices on furniture. In film, we created TrueView-films so extraordinarily boring that no one in their right mind would watch the whole thing. This psychological experiment portraying the everyday made the films hit all time high in viewing, keeping viewers glued to the screen in hope of something more, while we presented them with Ikea products. The campaign also included traditional TVCs about subjects rarely touched in commercial film.


In view of Ikea's historically high values, we still managed to significantly surpass the goals: Product preference was exceeded with + 150% (+ 6%) brand preference + 100%, (+ 6%) appreciation for the brand + 150% (+ 6%) and increased advertising efficiency + 65% (+ 3.3%)

The concept in 2017 yielded $12 millions worth of deserved media coverage and an estimated 4,1 billion impressions.

PeeAD had been republished in over 1650 publications and created approx. $12 millions in earned media. The TrueViews had stunning average viewing rates: over 3 minutes per spot. Google Brand Lift, the results for ad recall and product consideration score ”best in class”, compared to other retail brands. The videos had over 12 million unpaid impressions.

The TVC has managed to break through. Observation 75% vs benchmark 59% (brand with same media investment). Liking 67% vs 55% and affinity 56% vs 43%.

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