Cannes Lions

Work Happy

O POSITIVE, Santa Monica / HEWLET-PACKARD / 2023







Hybrid work turned the world upside down. For the first time ever, power shifted from employers to employees and people were working from everywhere but the office.

But this way of working was starting to come under fire. Society was starting to debate whether this way of working could really work.

HP knew it needed to take a stance on hybrid work and position itself as a leader in the space.

The brief was clear: show how HP is creating the tools to arm those with the power to keep hybrid work, working - IT Managers.

As our expectations and demands have become unreasonable, it’s on our technology and IT managers to make the unreasonable happen.

That’s why HP is arming them with the tools to make the new way or work more sustainable for us all.

Because HP believes we should be able to…

Work Happy.


When it comes to work, the iron-clad rules of old don’t apply anymore. So while this anthem film features a wide range of characters in disparate locations, the humor hinged on the performance of the out-of-touch CEO, and his 1950s mindset. It was important to the Director that his choice of CEO be more than just some old white relic — he had to remain likable throughout, despite not once saying anything we would agree with. Once production began, the Director realized it would be important to not only show this CEO in his own office, but also to have him randomly find himself appear in these disparate locations where people are free to work these days. As shooting progressed, the Director added more of these scenes, as well as capturing more and more small asides from the CEO, all to ramp up the editorial pace, and the comedy.

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