Cannes Lions


PHILIPS, Amsterdam / PHILIPS / 2017

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The conversations and decisions that leaders discuss at WEF have a lasting effect on the world. But often, these discussions aren’t accessible or engaging to a wider audience.

Our idea was to look at the issues being discussed through the eyes of the people it will affect the most – young people.

This way we communicate in an easy to understand manner and give those most affected by the future a platform to speak to today’s leaders who are shaping it.

We brought together a diverse group of children in a workshop environment, which helped them think abstractly, draw and talk about their ideas in a fun and immersive session.

Then we used social media to prompt kids around the world to share their ideas.

Finally, we took some of these ideas to our executive team, ensuring that the voice of future generations is heard by the leaders of today.


We created a workshop environment for eight children, aged 8-15, to talk about of healthcare and leadership (key WEF themes). Their interactions and thoughts were turned into videos, shared across our global and market social channels. Reach and conversation-driven paid social ads boosted campaign awareness and engagement.

Videos and social posts encouraged audiences to submit their own children’s ideas for the future – drawn, painted, or illustrated. Submissions were posted on a company image gallery and shared across social channels.

With so many great ideas, we rewarded one child with a job as ‘Innovation Leader’. We filmed and shared his experience as a “day in the life”. In addition, our CEO posted a blog “Learning from kids about how to…learn”, and recruited employee volunteers as mentors for the healthcare innovators of the future.


#YoungWEF had a hugely positive impact on driving awareness of our company as a health tech innovator.

Our AMEC award-winning “Social Perception Analysis Report” showed that the volume of brand conversation increased 37% from the previous year’s WEF.

Within the healthcare competitive share of voice, we dominated consumer perception, owning nearly half of conversation during WEF-Davos.

The campaign accounted for 44% of the total brand's social conversation at Davos.

The first phase of video activation generated 4.5 million views, with over 13m impressions.

Our reputation as a global leader of innovation in the future of healthcare was further strengthened by the high level of engagement achieved, including over 1,500 social mentions. There were approximately 2.6 million engagements throughout our owned channel WEF – Davos campaigns.

Key influencers that mentioned the YoungWEF campaign included Director of Public Policy Initiatives at the Yar’Adua Foundation Amara Nwankpa (32k followers) and journalist and news anchor Nazia Memon (30k followers).

The campaign also generated media coverage in The Huffington Post, WOMMA, and Marketing; demonstrating global leadership with pick up from key influencers and high reach publications.

Our commitment to enabling the younger generation to take part in building a healthier future was further underlined as 40 employees from within the company came forward to act as volunteers for the globally recognised Hour of Code program.

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