Cannes Lions

You've Got Mail

MRM/McCANN, Princeton / GLAXO SMITH-KLINE / 2019

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Case Film
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With the brand being in market for six years, marketers were looking for a new approach to be disruptive and bring attention to BREO’s key benefit of one daily inhalation that lasts for 24 hours. The objective was to make an emotional connection with HCPs by creating an experience in which they could follow their patients through a typical 24-hour day and understand the daily struggles of adherence and compliance. By reminding HCPs of what a usual day in their “patient’s shoes” looked like, it reinforced the need to provide their patients with a once daily therapy that managed their asthma for a full 24 hours, which competitors of BREO could not provide, therefore proving the brand’s superiority in the category.


Building on a clearly defined message in our once daily dosing, we wanted to demonstrate—in genuine human terms—what 24-hour asthma control really means for BREO patients. We chose to send doctors a series of 24 emails—one an hour—over a 24-hour period to realistically show how seamlessly patients with moderate to severe asthma can move through their lives when they don’t have to stop and worry about their medication multiple times a day.

The emails track the stories of two typical BREO patients, checking in to see how their treatment was holding up. While at work. While running errands. While out with friends. Even sleeping. It was the perfect synthesis of strategy and execution by showing “real time” patient life across the specific time span we deliver them asthma protection.


TARGET AUDIENCE - HCPs who were general practitioners, as well specialists within the brand’s target and mass customer list.

APPROACH - Today’s HCPs are even more inundated by solicitations and harder to reach than ever, especially in the respiratory category.

So how could BREO use its one differentiator, 24-hour asthma control with one inhalation, to reach them in a way that was different from anything else these professionals might receive.

CALL TO ACTION - Drive to BREO HCP website to review data. Request BREO samples.


RESPONSE RATE - 17% unique engagement rate, with allergists and specialists having the highest open rates. Of those who engaged, the average open rate was over 35%. Of total HCP audience, highest unique engagement rates were from allergists (22.9%) and specialists (18.3%). Significant lift seen during nighttime hours, with 9pm having the highest open rate at 5.3%.

CHANGE IN BEHAVIOR - 9pm email send showed the most response, helping the brand to determine best times to send emails to busy HCPs.

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