Film Craft > Film Craft


SMUGGLER, Los Angeles / APPLE / 2019


Silver Cannes Lions
CampaignCampaign(opens in a new tab)




Write a short summary of what happens in the film

In this film, a motley crew of scrappy office underdogs put together a last minute presentation to pitch a wild idea to their intimidating CEO.

It begins with a coffee-stained woman, stepping out of an elevator onto a drab office floor. Excitedly she makes her way to a grey, Tungsten-lit cubicle where she tells her co-workers that, after “bumping into” their boss, she’s bagged them a meeting to present what could be a career-changing idea. The bad news is, they only have two days to turn it from a scribble on a napkin into a polished business plan.

What follows is a race against an impossible deadline - with the help of Mac, iPad, Apple Watch and iPhone - to put their presentation together and escape the cubicle maze.

Cultural/Context information for the jury

According to a study by Gallup, the number of people in the US who feel actively engaged at work is just 30%. Across 142 countries, that proportion drops to a mere 13%. The fact is, many people feel under-valued, under-appreciated and underwhelmed by what they do and what they’re working on.

Apple’s challenge is to help re-enthuse this workforce and become as beneficial to people’s work lives as they are to their personal lives. To arm companies and employees with an eco system of intuitive devices, software and services that can turn their simple ideas into business-defining, career-enhancing solutions.

Provide the full film script in English.

BRIDGET emerges from an elevator. She strides across the office floor, excited.

She strides across the office floor, excited.

Huge coffee stain on her dress/shirt.

Cycling helmet still on her head. Carrying an iPad Pro. She?s animated.

She arrives at a partitioned office desk area, where we find DAVE, MARIE and BRIAN.

BRIDGET: I got us a meeting with Vivienne.

ARIE turns around. DAVE looks up from his screen.

They notice the stain on her shirt, but don?t mention it.

BRIAN just carries on ploughing into Dave?s burrito.

MARIE: … What? How?

We see BRIDGET in her car, humming a song on the radio. She is in her work car park, waiting for the car in front of her to park. As she goes to take a drink of her coffee she is bumped forward, her coffee spills all over her.

We cut wider and see she is in the work car park. We see VIVIENNE?S large shiny Audi has run into BRIDGET?S small little car. BRIDGET is slightly annoyed as she goes to get out.

From VIVIENNE?S POV we see BRIDGET walk towards her covered in coffee. We see BRIDGETS?s expression change when she sees VIVIENNE.

VIVIENNE gets out of her car and looks down at a small dent on BRIDGET?S small old car. She also sees BRIDGET covered in cofee and


VIVIENNE: … Sorry…

We cut back to the office.

BRIDGET: … Yeah we just bumped into each other.

MARIE: And what, you just asked her for a meeting?

We cut to a mid shot of them at the back of the cars as VIVIENNE

doesn?t want to deal with this and says:

VIVIENNE: Is there any thing I can do?

BRIDGET spots an opportunity…

BRIDGET: … Yeah.

DAVE: When?

BRIDGET: Just now.

DAVE: No, when?s the meeting.

WE look Past BRIDGET and see VIVIENNE flicks though her schedule

on her iPhone. Sees an opening and says:

VIVIENNE: 8:45am. Friday

Cut back to the desk pod.

DAVE: Next Friday?

BRIDGET: Yeah… No wait, this Friday.

DAVE: That?s impossible!

Cut back to the car park:

BRIDGET: That?s perfect

VIVIENNE: Don?t waste my time Melissa.

BRIDGET: … It?s Bridget.

Cut back to the desk pod. Total panic.


Bridget pulls a scrap of paper from the cubicle wall.

On it is a crude sketch of a circle

BRIDGET: Project Anchovy is alive…

We cut from our scrap of paper to the team starting to put a plan of action together.

The camera spins around the characters.

We hear small beats of dialogue:

DAVE: “We need to wow her.” “(reluctantly)

MARIE: I?ll speak to Mike in Finance…”

BRIAN: “… we need some sort of prototype…”

BRIDGET: “I?ll chat to Jeff.”

DAVE: “…I?ve just realized I?ve got the kids this week…”

BRIDGET and DAVE are working in a small conference room with a large whiteboard. DAVE is sketching a spider diagram on the whiteboard. In the middle of the diagram is a round circle - out of which are a series of lines connecting to attributing words like - SUSTAINABLE, THERMAL, SPACE-SAVING, CAN BE MASS-PRODUCED, LIGHTWEIGHT.

Using an iPhone connected to a MacBook Pro, BRIDGET takes a picture of the board using Continuity Camera, which scans it directly it into an e-mail (in Mail application).

Cut to super fast touch-typing on a MacBook keyboard.

Cut to an iPad Pro smart keyboard, etc.

Then ridiculously slow, one finger typing.

The team go for a working lunch - at a pizzeria of course.

MARIE is on an iPad Pro with an Apple Pencil on the GoodNotes4 app.

We see that she has drawn a diagram of a square with a circle in the middle of it. An arrow directed at the circle is labeled ‘PIZZA?. Arrows into the corners around the circle are labeled ‘WASTED SPACE?.

We see them all in DAVE?S car on their way back to the office.

BRIAN had grabbed a Pizza box.

Back at the office, BRIAN cuts the corners off the pizza box with a pair of scissors, and uses sellotape to create a very crude prototype.

We see MARIE using the My Script Nebo app on her iPad Pro.

We see a sketch diagram of two circles that reads, ROUND PIZZA - ROUND BOX. She taps the hand drawn diagram,

and it instantly becomes digitized.

DAVE is on the finance floor, with a guy using a PC.

There?s a Microsoft Excel file open on the guy?s PC screen.

DAVE asks, “Can you send me that? Maybe the guy says “Already sent it?

… DAVE opens the Excel file on his MacBook Air…

Cut to a warehouse. Forklifts flying around. Collapsed boxes floor to ceiling JEFF - a seasoned, wise-looking warehouse manager wearing a hard hat - accepts a delivery in an inventory app on an iPad Pro.

BRIDGET and BRIAN carrying the makeshift prototype pizza box come in and tap him on the shoulder. JEFF looks at it. Then at BRIGDET. He nods.

We see cuts of them leaving work for the day, and maybe their commute home. Perhaps DAVE is the first to go, saying, “I?ve got to pick up the kids.”


We see a sequence of MacBooks closing, and an iPad Pro smart keyboard case folding close.

A MacBook Air reopens. BRIAN - on his commuter train home - types away behind it, in between fistfuls of potato chips.

We see MARIE sat on a bus designing the first slide of the deck on Keynote on her iPad Pro. A simple, but beautiful graphic of a pizza box, with a dotted line creating a circle.

The title of the deck: THINK INSIDE THE BOX.

The team regroup on Group FaceTime ... all in different environments, on different devices. BRIDGET is on the call in her kitchen sitting cross legged on the bench.

DAVE”S child is in pajamas, causing havoc in the background.

BRIAN is in his bedroom on a MacBook Air, talking whilst eating a Cup Noodle,

which we see irritates MARIE who?s at the supermarket on her iPhone.

Maybe on the Group FaceTime call, we incorporate split view on

BRIDGET?S MacBook Pro - she takes notes while on the call.

We spot potential names like ‘Boxxo?, ‘Pizzo?, ‘Boxle?, ‘Squircle? etc.

Maybe they laugh at someone?s suggestion.

Perhaps this is where BRIAN who lives at home gets busted – his Mum pokes her head around the door to say something, maybe she?s carrying in a pile of BRIAN?S laundry. She then makes it worse by staying to apologize for interrupting.

A finger hits the Do Not Disturb moon icon.

We see DAVE reading his kids a bedtime story.

BRIDGET doing yoga on her kitchen floor. Maybe we see her say to her HomePod “Siri play my zen playlist’

BRIAN furiously playing drums in his bedroom.

MARIE lying in her bed, still working away, the only light in the room

coming from her MacBook Pro.

Her boyfriend is lying in bed asleep beside her.

We see her finger hit SEND, SEND, SEND, accompanied by whooshes of e-mails.

She closes the MacBook Pro screen, plunging the room.

We see alarms on a series of devices…

BRIDGET?S alarm goes off.

MARIE hits snooze…

DAVE?S young son is already awake, holding Dave?s iPhone up

close to his face with the alarm going off…

BRIAN?S Mom knocking on BRIAN?S bedroom door.

BRIAN a little annoyed shouting “Yeah, I?m awake Mom.”

As he sends an email on his iPhone.

BRIAN standing on a packed commuter train, holding his MacBook Air with one hand and typing with the other.

We see MARIE riding a busy bus, working away on a Keynote slide on her iPad Pro. A finessed version of ROUND PIZZA - ROUND BOX. Her neighbor on the bus curiously looks over her shoulder - way too far over her shoulder - and MARIE has to stop and glare at her a beat.

We see the team working and debating all over the office.

BRIAN touches MARIE’S MacBook Pro screen. She glares at him.

Cut to … the break room.

BRIDGET tries to keep the peace while MARIE, BRIAN and DAVE hotly discuss the product?s color.

… the bathroom.

Maybe there?s a moment where someone else on their floor asks,

“what are you guys working on?”


Maybe this is in the bathroom at the wash basins.

We see BRIAN recording video voxpops in a pizzeria on his iPhone Xs.

Quick cuts of clipped voxpop sound bites caught on camera.

We see a guy in a backroom, almost imprisoned by square pizza boxes, “Ay, if it saves space, I?m all for it,”

Cut to JEFF in an office overlooking the warehouse floor, playing with the Shapr3D app on an iPad Pro with an Apple Pencil. We see him deleting the corners of a pizza box shaped 3D cuboid, leaving a disc just the right shape for holding a pizza…

On an iPhone screen, we see a series of tasks being struck off in the Trello app: FOCUS GROUP INTERVIEWS OBTAIN PAST DATA BRIEF JEFF

The team work late into the night…

Eyes glued to her MacBook Pro screen, BRIDGET picks up a cup of coffee.

Only it’s not a coffee, it’s a mug full of pens and pencils….

We see MARIE doing a quick stretch exercise.

We see the ‘WASTED SPACE? diagram from earlier, being designed beautifully as a Keynote slide on an iPad Pro. A jalapeño drops onto the screen from above.

MARIE looks up at BRIAN, who is hovering over her shoulder eating a slice of pizza. She doesn?t look impressed. Sheepishly, he grabs the jalapeño and pops it into his mouth.

Cut to DAVE at home, with his kids. He?s trying to get his iPad off his toddler.

Back at the office, it?s getting later and the cleaners are there.

Without a break in typing, BRIDGET lifts her legs so that the cleaner can vacuum underneath her.

We see BRIAN editing his voxpops footage on iMovie on his MacBook Air.

Once again, MARIE can?t find her Apple Pencil.

Then spots BRIAN twirling it in his ear.

MARIE finally erupts. She shouts.

BRIAN retreats to the mens bathroom. MARIE stands outside, calling in after him, “I?m sorry…”

Extreme close-up of an ‘AirDrop accept?? notification popping up on MARIE‘S iPad Pro screen.

She turns and smiles at BRIAN (they’ve made up)…

…then drags the iMovie file directly into the Keynote deck on split view.

The lights in the office go out.

They wave their arms to activate the sensor.

In an e-mail from JEFF on her iPad Pro, BRIDGET clicks the USDz file attachment….

… cut to BRIDGET, BRIAN and MARIE, stood admiring the three-dimensional AR version of the pizza box, appearing to sit upon the table through the iPad Pro.

We see DAVE has opened it up at his house too and is impressed..

Buoyed by this dazzling piece of pitch theatre, things start getting a little stir crazy…BRIAN and BRIDGET frisbee-ing Brian?s makeshift pizza box across the room.

Finally, they decide to call it a night. We see the three of them, squashed into the back of a cab. MARIE and BRIAN asleep. BRIDGET still typing.

We see a Good Luck message beep on BRIDGET?S phone.

We cut wider and see she is in the shower getting ready for the big day.

DAVE brushing his kids? teeth.

BRIAN?S Mom tying Brian?s tie.

MARIE, on the bus using the selfie camera on her iPhone to apply make-up - we can tell she doesn?t usually wear it.

We see the team at their desk area, grabbing their stuff.

On Bridget?s Apple Watch we see, ‘Project Anchovy Presentation, 8:45am.?

We see our group of underdogs gathered in their work section.

Ready to go, they nod to each other.

They walk through their floor, past the other workers.

They?re confident, walking taller, ready for their big moment.

We watch as they get into the elevator, then turn around and stand there.


We have a small beat where nothing happens, then one says,

BRIAN: ’did anyone push the button…?

They push the Button to go up to the top floor.

We cut to a tight shot of them in the elevator, light sweeps across them as the doors open.

They?re all ready for their big moment.

Right as we hear the elevator ding we cut to: THIS IS APPLE AT WORK

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