Glass: The Award For Change > Glass




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Why is this work relevant for Glass: The Award for Change

Frida, a small French nursery clothes brand was looking for brand awareness but with a small budget. So we decided to tackle one of the most common problem new moms are facing : the taboo of breastfeeding in public. 17% of them are even harassed for doing so.

Thus, our work aimed to break this taboo and to fight this prejudice. Because public spaces belong to everyone.

And we did it with very simple idea: making a trompe-l'oeil on a magazine cover that transform any reader into a breastfeeding person. Distributed everywhere in France the object was so easy to use, experiment and share that it get an immediate buzz. People, politicians, celebrities, influencers and media shared The Uncover making breastfeeding and the Frida commitment for new moms visible everywhere in public spaces.


Frida, a small maternity wear brand looking for more visibility with a very small budget. The brand's mission is to make life as a new mom easier.

In France, half of women breastfeeding say that they do it secretly, sometimes in unsuitable locations such as public toilet. Why? Because unfortunately, it is still a taboo. Last year, 17% of moms were harassed for breastfeeding in public

Describe the cultural / social / political climate in your region and the significance of your campaign within this context

In France, a country where Marianne, the embodiment of the French Republic is topless, the female breast and by extension the fact of revealing it in a public space continues to be compared to sexual exhibitionism. Thus, the right for women to feed their children is questioned, and no law protects them.

Many factors such as the eviction of women in public spaces or the excessive sexualization of breastfeeding has inevitably led to mothers refraining to do so.

Thus, 17% of women have already been harassed for simply feeding their child.

Describe the creative idea

We designed a trompe l’oeil to destigmatize breastfeeding in public spaces. With The Uncover, every magazine reader can embody a breastfeeding person, helping to normalize the act anywhere. We distributed more than 50,000 copies across France. The activation sparked an online movement, with celebrities, politicians, influencers and members of the public embracing the campaign.

Describe the strategy

Frida is a relatively small and new maternity brand. To position the brand and support new mothers in their journey, we decided to address a problem every new mom is likely to experience: the taboo of breastfeeding in public.

Earlier in the year, Breastfeeding in public spaces became a hot topic in the media after a series of incidents were reported. A mother was beaten while breastfeeding in Bordeaux, another one was expelled from Le Louvre by security and another one was expelled from Disneyland.

A way to normalize something is to make it visible everywhere, so we designed a trompe l'oeil magazine cover that turns every reader into a breastfeeding mother. The cover is easy to use, and we made it easy to share with #theuncover.

We partnered with the French breastfeeding association and a new parents association to increase credibility.

Describe the execution

We designed a total of 6 different covers with 6 different moms to make the campaign as inclusive as possible.

We interviewed them and asked journalists to use the inside cover as a media so that it became an informative tool.

We printed 50,000 copies of The Uncover. They were displayed in the streets and newsstands in the 5 biggest cities in France.

The covers were also available at festivals (Empow'her), hundreds of coffee shops, restaurants and maternity units.

Because the cover is very visual and easy to use, we created the hashtag #theuncover to create the buzz.

In addition, the cover was available on a website to download and print it from home.

With no French law to protect women from abuse when breastfeeding, we put forward an online petition to confirm that breastfeeding in public does not count as indecent exposure.

Describe the results / impact

Over 40 million organic social impressions with #theuncover.

Over 150 million earned media impressions.

45,000 people signed the petition on

+50 earned media placement and 4 national broadcast segments.

+150% followers on Frida social media accounts.

+38% sales in the month following the campaign.

+10,000 unique visitors on the campaign website

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