Entertainment > Audio-visual Branded Content


OGILVY, Mexico City / ABINBEV / 2022


Gold Cannes Lions
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We gave voice to our consumers, creating a special homage to meet again with our departed loved ones.

Victoria Cempasúchil: The Taste of Reunion, the first TV ad make with real messages mexicans have dedicated to their dead on social media.


The day of the dead is one of the most important traditions for Mexicans. For one more day, living and dead can reunite with their loved ones. Victoria, the first beer in Mexico, has owned & redefined this tradition since 2014. However, for 2021 in a context of distancing and pandemic had to find a new angle focused on this tradition.

As a brand approaching a very important cultural tradition and a conversation deeply sensitive due to all the people that passed away through the pandemic, Victoria had to find away to connect with consumers without sending a wrong message of opportunism and to continue being a reference and achieve differentiation against other competitors, we needed to do something atypical.

The objective was continue to build cultural relevance towards Victoria on the Day of the Dead, increasing the positive sentiment to 90% (80% was the annual average of the brand)

Describe the creative idea

Victoria beer created Cempasuchil: The taste of reunion, the first TV ad made with real comments that Mexicans wrote to their departed loved ones on social networks, those comments served as inspiration to develop our content, giving voice for the first time to our consumers.

The cempasúchil flower became the icon that connected all creative actions, being a symbolic bridge that guides the deceased to the world of the living, made possible the reunion and close the line between living and dead for Mexicans to connect with their loved ones for one last night and celebrate in an innovative way one of the most important traditions for them.

Describe the strategy

To recover the mood, we discovered through the analysis of comments from the brand's database and social networks that Mexicans reconnected with their deceased through memories, made promises to them, told them their achievements and showed their yearning to see them again, even once again. The most commented were parents 35% and siblings 23%.

For them, the idea of meeting with those they love, even if they are no longer there, gave them hope to get out of the state of languor and forward despite adversity.

Victoria took up the symbolic meaning of the cempasúchil flower as a bridge that guides with its light and smell to the dead to the world of the living to provide the reunion that Mexicans wanted so much to have with their loved ones, with their roots and traditions.

Describe the execution

Reunion was the concept and Cempasúchil flower (considered the bridge between the world of the living and the dead) was the icon that connected all actions.

To reconnect with their traditions, we released a short film written with real comments that Mexicans dedicate to their departed loved ones.

In order to create different messages that could resonate with every Mexican, we used personalization ad scale to generate different versions of our films creating a message that felt personal for every consumer.

The messages gave them opportunity to reunite with their departed ones for one more night, closing the line between the living and dead.

Describe the outcome

- The taste of reunion conquered the hearts of Mexicans with a reach of 72.1M (+34% more than planned) being 69.3% in digital and brand recall of 97% (+6% vs the market average)

- Increased top of mind 18.5%, brand power (+0.3pp vs 2nd half of 2020), exceeded the target in key attributes: +1.8pp in representing my national pride, +2.2pp in representing our traditions and heritage and nowadays is the strongest campaign in brand history with an ROI of 138% on digital only.

- A total of 40M interactions were achieved, 95% positive sentiment and is recognized as the brand's most beloved campaign, with 96% of comments thanking Victoria beer for reflecting their feelings and emotions during this date.

- Victoria Cempasúchil volume uplift +1.2M HL (+2%) in just one month alone.

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