Cannes Lions

#1917LIVE: What if Twitter existed 100 years ago?

RT, Moscow / RT / 2017

Presentation Image
Case Film
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With #1917LIVE we attempted to create the first-ever monumental social media drama involving dozens of online characters – their lines are short 140-character messages and the stage is Twitter. To promote the project we tried to animate the idea on screen with a series of online teaser-videos. The main idea was to create a surreal impression – first to immerse a viewer into 1917 entourage, into a precisely accurate historical environment. The ending is our interpretation of how Twitter might have impacted events had it existed 100 years ago. So a sudden twist occurs when the historic characters grab their mobile devices and casually log onto Twitter.


To film each episode it took our crew weeks of preparations: to set and book authentic filming location, go through proper casting, acquire historically accurate inventory, costumes, plan the scenery - every detail was assessed thoroughly.

Project concept idea - July 2016

video creative idea - September 2016

script and preparations - October-November 2016

Filming: in 2 stages - in December 2016 and in January 2017.

Release: First two episodes released in January 2017, last 2 - in February 2017

Social media platforms: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter

350,000+ combined organic views online


Total reach on social platforms - 3 million. Total views: 350,000+ on all social media platforms

Videos generated 40,000 interactions (likes, shares, retweets and comments) in total on all social platforms

Raise brand awareness, promote #1917LIVE and bring new audience to Twitter. Online video promotion boost #1917LIVE, which is ongoing till the end of 2017, to become the fastest-growing history-reenactment project on the platform. #1917LIVE is an ongoing project and will run till the end of 2017.

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