Cannes Lions


M&C SAATCHI/MARK, Sydney / QANTAS / 2011

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Don’t do two press ads.Instead we created a season-long promotion.First, we asked the AFL's leading Indigenous players to donate their actual playing boots.The boots were then painted by prominent Indigenous artists. Each pair used team colours in a unique, but traditional Indigenous style.With the finished boots we created the 'Qantas Boots & Dreams Exhibition', an exhibition combining sport, art and culture.The exhibition appeared in landmark locations, Qantas terminals and an online gallery at promotional tour of the country showcased the boots and showed people what they could bid for.


Instead of a couple of press ads, our promo was a season-long conversation with fans.Over 450,000 people viewed the exhibition.Over 2,000 site visits were achieved with no paid media (33% increase on objective), with an average time on site of five and a half minutes.The exhibition appeared in Sports TV shows, live TV crosses and AFL game broadcasts, delivering $705,000 earned media value.The bidding at the auctions at the end of season was fast and furious. Eventually over $25,000 was raised - with at least one pair of boots raising an amazing $5,800.

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