Cannes Lions

America The Beautiful

OGILVY, London / DOVE / 2021

Case Film






The song was composed over a century ago and has become a symbol of patriotism and pride in the United States. The version of America the Beautiful used in our film is a rare, live performance by African American R&B legend Ray Charles. Slower and more mournful than most renditions, it is hauntingly beautiful. Set to images portraying the anger, anguish, and determination of the Black Lives Matter protests, the song lyrics are transformed from inspiring to indicting. The promise of an America that is beautiful for all its citizens has not yet been realized.

The use of a century old song performed by a Black artist and contextualized by the protests of 2020, serves as a somber reminder that systemic racism has been woven into the fabric of the American experience and we must continue to fight to see it eradicated.

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