Cannes Lions


MJZ, Los Angeles / APPLE / 2018

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Flipping cars and detonating explosions in Downtown LA was only part of the challenge in bringing this 3-minute film to life. The scope of this job was massive. We needed to make this feel like the entire globe was experiencing an apocalyptic meltdown while only shooting in Los Angeles. Beginning with creating our version of Apple’s giant pristine server rooms, we moved on to designing a world without apps; complete with a seedy black market selling illegal app replacements, cataclysmic riots, Waze-less car crash explosions, and a back alley plastic surgeon’s face-swapping operation. Each set was meticulously designed to contribute to this post appocalyptic dystopian reality we created.


This three minute film was made to kick off WWDC, a week long conference for Apple app developers and coders. Think South by Southwest for the app-making community. ‘Appocalypse,’ a high-stakes comedic apocalypse film, was actually a love letter to developers, showing them the importance of all the apps they make by imagining a world that suddenly loses all its apps. The chaos that ensues demonstrates just how important apps are. To make it even more insider, the film featured cameos by Tinder Founder Johnathan Badeen and social media influencer, Brittany Furlan. The film debuted before the live audience at WWDC while millions of others streamed the event the live event. It also lived on Youtube and where the rest of the world could experience the hyperbolic, hysterical horror of what would happen if all the apps we know and love disappeared from all of our Apple devices.


“Appocalypse” generated over 3.3M views.

In addition, it generated strong earned media coverage in consumer tech, industry and lifestyle outlets including: TechCrunch, Adweek, Creativity-Online, Buzzfeed

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