Cannes Lions

Cinema Artois

ABINBEV, Mexico City / ABINBEV / 2020

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When the pandemic locked us down in 2020, we began to realized the little things that made us happy, basic things like eating out or going to the movies.

In the first weeks we had already seen almost all the streaming content, so we needed to find a way to bring Mexicans a little of what we lost, to create a bonding with more people without being in the same place.

So in April, we decided to move them away from the screens and have them come to their windows to enjoy a movie, making them stop feeling locked up for a moment, and share an experience with many more people.


The idea was simple and powerful.

Converting the walls around the city into cinema screens, where people could lean out of their windows or balconies to enjoy a movie, taking them away from the screens and the confinement that the pandemic brought, sharing a moment with hundreds of other people, without having to be in the same place.


The target audience were all the people being locked up at home, especially those with legal drinking age in Mexico, over 18 years old, of medium socioeconomic level. We created special packs along with a delivery service, which brought popcorn and Stella Artois to their doors, you just need to click the combo in the app and thats it.


The execution was a challenge, special permits had to be obtained for the projections, since the whole Mexico city was in lock down.

After all that paperwork, we invited an expert partner in projections to made the idea came true and we generated a communication strategy creating awareness of the screenings in different parts of the city every weekend in April 2020


The results were very good, we increased the conversation with the brand by 32%, dozens of media covered the story, influencers talked about the project, dozens of projections, an increase of 27% in sales, and the most important metric is that we were able to make hundreds of Mexicans smile

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