
Curiosity Self-Test


Presentation Image
Demo Film






The Curiosity Self-Test is a responsive WebGL feature with an HTML user-frontend to aid navigation through its 15 survey questions.

The vibrant, 3D environment exposes users to the brand’s unmistakable corporate design, transforming its cells, strings, and microbes into an exciting rollercoaster ride concluding with a scientifically validated curiosity rating for all participants.

A cornerstone of the brand’s curiosity initiative, the test offers users an ideal entry point to the campaign microsite by automatically curating future site content for generated curiosity profiles. Teasers leading to the test are featured on all major sections of the microsite.

To achieve a valid impression of global curiosity levels, it was important to keep bounce rates low, ensuring as many users as possible answered all 15 questions. Particular attention was paid to how questions were answered. Three core input options were employed, dropdown and Likert scales (standard and slider).

A fixed landscape view across all devices maximised the feature’s overall visual experience while discreet navigation elements kept user journeys both intuitive and clear. By keeping the 3D engine frame rate below 30 frames per second, we ensured the feature ran smoothly across all, WebGL optimised, devices and browsers.

All text elements are fed into the test via a connected content management system. The feature is offered in seven different languages.

From concept to launch, the feature took approximately 8 weeks to develop.

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