Cannes Lions



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Dacia is a relatively new car brand. We wanted more people to know and understand what the brand stands for.

Dacia cars are the most affordable cars in the UK. What makes them so affordable is that they are simple and come without any flashy extras.

Its marketing strategy proudly embraces simplicity and questions if people really need all those extras in their cars.

In this campaign we posed this question directly to one of the most prominent public figures in the UK – Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. George Osborne (Finance Minister).

He’s been telling the country it needs to save money in every possible way. He’s constantly cutting public expenses to achieve it.

This tongue-in-cheek campaign asked him to practice what he preaches.

If he really wants to avoid extra spending, why doesn't he choose a simpler car for his official car?

On Budget day, as the nation watched him announce his plans to save public money we turned the tables on him. We wrote an open letter in the press. We used Twitter to illustrate our point and to open it to a public referendum.

Politicians are universally loathed for their empty words. George Osborne is often criticised for his tough policies and privileged lifestyle.

By making an important point, we got people who shared our values to campaign for our brand.

Thousands of people joined our campaign and voted to see George Osborne drive a Dacia. The brand had an unprecedented boost in popularity.


As the nation watched the Budget announcement live and discussed it online, we took to press and Twitter.

We leveraged social media to put our idea to a public referendum (mimicking a common parliamentary practice).

Politicians are universally loathed for their empty words. George Osborne is often criticised for his tough policies and privileged lifestyle.

By making the right point at the right time, we not only got people to engage with the brand but also campaign for it.

By talking to 1 person we spoke to millions. We reaffirmed Dacia’s anti-excess stance, while maintaining its light-hearted tone of voice.


In just over a day:

The tweets received 1,150,305 impressions.

They prompted 60,258 engagements.

The click through rate was up to 6 times higher than average sponsored tweet.

3,000 people actively joined the campaign.

85% voted yes to George Osborne driving a Dacia.

The Twitter follower base increased by 5% (biggest increase to date).

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