Cannes Lions

Distracted Goalkeeper

TECH AND SOUL, Sao Paulo / UBER / 2022

Case Film






We decided to call Brazilians’ attention in a unique way, transporting the risks of this bad habit to their biggest passion: football.

And, to this end, we carried out an unusual action in a match of the "Brasileirão", the main soccer championship in Brazil, with audiences that reach more than 20MM people per game. A choice motivated not only by the large audience but, mainly, by the emotional relationship that Brazilians have with the sport: everything that happens in a match is thoroughly analyzed, commented and discussed during and after the games.

On May 13th, during a "Brasileirão" championship match, a goalkeeper checking out his mobile phone was spotted by the crowd and, immediately, he became the brunt of questions: "What do you mean, the person responsible for defending the team, is distracted on the cell phone? How did the club allow such absurdity? An irresponsible attitude like this cannot go unpunished!".

Since everything that happens on the field becomes the topic of conversation all over the country, that one irresponsible action stormed social media and the press.

The image of the goalkeeper on his cell phone went well beyond the sports round tables and became a news item on the country's most watched program, Fantástico, turning into one of the most talked about topics of the weekend.

When the goalkeeper finally addressed his stance, the whole country paid attention.

At a press conference on the next day, he revealed that his attitude was in fact orchestrated with UBER as a protest to showcase that the use of mobile phones in inadequate situations was a risky practice. By checking out his mobile in the field, he could make his team lose the match, but people can lose their lives with this behavior on the road.

This led to a new wave of press and social media coverage in which the goalkeeper instantly went from irresponsible player to defender of safer and more humane traffic.

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