Spikes Asia

Drone Delivery


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How can Xiaomi get the Mi 10T Pro to its customers at the height of the pandemic?

Once the community quarantine was imposed, employees had to adjust to working from home indefinitely. Due to this sudden shift, an effective and functional top-of-the-line smartphone like the Mi 10T Pro is no longer a luxury, but an essential.

The government thinks otherwise. They maintained that the transport and delivery of gadgets is not included in their official Essentials list. Deprioritized, Mi 10T Pro units were in danger of languishing in warehouses while our loyal customers continue to wait for it.


Marketed to working millennials, the Mi 10T Pro is the flagship phone of Xiaomi. Aside from being in high demand among the creative types, the phone is also a great fit for the Work From Home customer base who need a phone partner that’s reliable and would be able to help them succesfully navigate this new work from home set-up.


Partnering with Lazada Philippines, we arranged a Drone Delivery to our most loyal customers. We mounted the box containing the Mi 10T Pro smartphone on drones and navigated them to the front door of our key customers, thus ensuring proper social distancing throughout the process.

From the warehouse, we bypassed the restrictions on the road and took to the air to get the Mi 10T Pro straight into hands of our eager buyers. Due to the personal nature of the delivery, it was also an opportune time for Xiaomi to include a handwritten note to thank the buyers for their business.

Without breaking the rules, we were able to get the Mi 10T Pro to our users who are now always online and always on the go.


Positive sentiments for the brand poured out on our social media page. Online orders for the Xiaomi Mi 10T Pro went through the roof; every time a pre-selling batch is opened, all the units were snapped up within in as fast as 5 minutes.

Via Drone Delivery, we were able to complete an essential delivery at the height of the pandemic, even if the item itself is not yet part of the official essentials list.

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