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December Avenue


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Xiaomi lags behind the Apples and Samsungs of the world when it comes to name recall, consumers have bought into the idea that you need to spend big money on gadgets to get quality photos and videos.

Often up to par, if not better, when it comes to specs, Xiaomi is often overshadowed by the big name brands, even if Xiaomi products can deliver better results at a fraction of the price. For the launch of their flagship smartphone, the Mi 10T Pro, we have to corner the spotlight by showcasing what the phone is capable of – and we have to do it with a limited budget amidst an unprecedented global pandemic.

We collaborated with one of hottest names in the Philippine music scene, a band called December Avenue. After they wrote and recorded an all-new song specifically for this project, we proceeded to film a music video for


One look at social media and you can see that everyone has the potential to be creative – it is innate in each and every one of them. The Mi 10T Pro intends to fully unlock that creativity among its users with its class-leading 108MP camera and 8K video recording that provide amazing picture clarity. And with all the additional modes and features a user can play around with such as unique built-in filters, AI Skyscaping, and Video Clones, the Mi 10T Pro is the perfect tool to power one’s creativity.

We needed to bring that clarity and creativity to the forefront, and to snatch back the attention of our target market, we needed to demonstrate the Mi 10T Pro’s capabilities in a format that is easy for our market to comprehend and appreciate.


In a study conducted by the Universal Music Group, music emerged as the #1 passion point among Filipino youth. With all the freedom and flexibility that goes into creating music, it’s a suitable vehicle for us to deliver the Mi 10T Pro’s story of powering creativity to its users.


We collaborated with one of hottest names in the Philippine music scene, a band called December Avenue. After they wrote and recorded an all-new song specifically for this project, we proceeded to film a music video for it using nothing but the Mi 10T Pro. Demonstrations of its special features and filters were weaved in seamlessly into the music video, turning it into a full creative showcase. By doing so, the clarity of the phone was also highlighted since it performed favorably in place of other high tech camera equipment.


In a matter of days, the music video has earned more than 1.3 million views, 22,700 reactions, and 859 comments on Facebook alone – the highest numbers ever registered for any Xiaomi Philippines video, despite no media boosting. Coupled with the fan comments on the quality and the features of the phone, it was a successful product demo for the Mi 10T Pro as the first ever video in the country shot entirely with a 108 MP smartphone camera.

Not just interest, but demand for the product went through the roof. The Mi 10T Pro was sold out within minutes, and there is a long queue of interested buyers awaiting the upcoming batches.

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STIG&XI, Shanghai


2022, XIAOMI

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