Cannes Lions
STORIES, Zurich / TRIUMPH / 2016
'Find the One...Again!' revisits Hannah Ferguson as animated character and her life has changed dramatically: she had a baby. In her gorgeous villa overseeing Rio de Janeiro, animated Hannah struggles with the hardships of young motherhood: her baby keeps crying, the house is a mess and worst of all, Hannah's body has changed so her old bras - found in part one - don't fit anymore. Her two best friends try to get her up and out again, but it takes the new Triumph Online Store and the magical powers and fitting expertise of the Triumph dress form to show them the way. With the dress form's help, the three girlfriends learn everything about the perfect fit and finally - in a smashing musical finale - they all find the one again.
In order to attain the highest possible quality under an advertising-orientated schedule of approximately two and a half months, Find The One Again's challenge was in consolidating the fabrication processes in order to streamline the production pipeline. We achieved this by converging multiple stages of creation to reside in the same space, which enabled us to overlap various phases such as 3D modeling, character rigging and even animation. Through this, we were able push the envelope of an already ambitious project, which comprised of six complex characters with realistically-detailed clothing textiles as well as three rich 3D environments.
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