Dubai Lynx

Flora Gorgeous Gardenia EDP Launch


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As the fragrance industry bounces back there has been a keen shift in trends back to pre-COVID, however, with an added twist. The consumer focus and priorities are shifting. Now, consumers are looking for an immersive experience through fragrances to get away from reality, if only mentally. Digital technologies and detailed storytelling are helping brands fulfill this need. To address this need for captivating experiences competitive brands have been launching new products reflecting this shift wherever possible.

The brief was to relaunch the Flora franchise to build a new global feminine pillar by introducing Miley Cyrus – the global superstar – as the new brand ambassador. To break through the clutter of the already saturated marketplace, the three objectives were: to build awareness of the new Flora Gorgeous Gardenia EDP, to increase Gen-Z penetration with distinctive and snackable content, and to engage customers with a digital-first and experiential 360 activation.


The creative idea was to transport consumers into a world of fantasy through fragrances and showcase a world way beyond reality to live the #FloraFantasy. We capitalized on the talent – Miley Cyrus and her music to increase penetration of Gucci Flora with Gen-Z audiences. Localized content featuring Asallah & Yara to resonate with audiences and build familiarity was created.

In addition to this, we capitalized on the manga huge trend in China and leveraged the most advanced technology to offer the first manga filter ever used so creators could transform and live the Flora fantasy. These filters were used during the sustain phase once users were more familiar with the Flora fantasy world.

The #Florafantasy was further built upon with the Gucci App activation – creating a new arcade game to engage with customers.


The cosmetic product market growth is majorly driven by the young and aspirational population who want to invest in looking and feeling their best. Therefore, this campaign was targeted towards females 18-40 YO.

The strategy was threefold:

1. Build Awareness: through exceptional content and storytelling from launch to sustenance. Create excitement and build awareness on social by leveraging our brand ambassador Miley Cyrus’s community. Last activate a digital full blast at launch.

2. Engage Consumers: Leverage influencers and media to spread social engagement and generate UGC. Introduce engaging experiences to encourage users to share these on social handles.

3. Convert to Close: Partner with influencers and activate in-store events to close the loop through product tags and swipe to buy. Moreover, maximize conversion in all we do through shoppable features and e-sampling.

Through all three pillars - Instore activations are a crux for higher visibility, engagement, consideration, and purchase intent


In line with consumer behavior, 90% of the campaign budget was allocated to mobile. To capitalize on what resonates the most with our audience, we implemented A/B testing and optimized based on the best performing asset to maximize reach and engagement

On YouTube, we launched with a 15” BTS video to generate awareness, then retargeted the engaged audience with a 30” TVC to enjoy longer content and increase consideration. Then retargeted them with a 6” Bumper Ad aiming for conversion delivering sequential storytelling.

On TikTok, we launched on selected premium placements and Top View, owning the 1st placement for 24 hours. The Hashtag challenge #FloraFantasy ensured engagement, UGC, and virality

To maximize awareness and engagement, we had outdoor exposure in highly dense locations. To further maximize visibility and increase engagement with consumers, we had in-store activations in high-key Sephora and Faces stores.

Ran from August 8 to 13 October 2021


Gucci Flora creative drove brand impact across the funnel - the campaign raised awareness of Gucci Flora, uplifted its preference, and encouraged females in both markets to purchase it soon and recommend it to others.

- Awareness: +17 pts UAE; +27pts KSA

- Purchase intent: +24pts UAE; +31pts KSA

- Recommendation: +14pts UAE; +29pts KSA

At mother brand level, the campaign significantly improved brand salience and boosted short and long-term brand measures. In addition, the campaign delivered strong brand attributes. The campaign broke the clutter with high recognition and brand linkage.

- Familiarity: +26pts UAE; +33 KSA

- Brand Closeness: +12pts UAE; +30pts KSA

- Brand Performance: +20pts UAE; +17pts KSA

All supported by outstanding results across media:

On YouTube:

38% VTR; 8M views

On Mobile:

70%+ reach across markets; 15.42% VTR; 0.79% CTR

On TikTok:

94% VTR; 0.46% CTR; Video-View KSA 35M & UAE 13M; 66% reach; 23K UGC

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