Dubai Lynx

Galaxy I Choose

CODE 8, Dubai / GALAXY / 2023

Presentation Image
Case Film






"We want to choose for ourselves": Arab women in the region have said this for years. Their personal and professional life choices are often imposed upon them by society, culture, peer pressure, family – everyone i.e., except themselves. Research told us that women across all demographics felt muted and marginalized, we could hear years of frustration and a need to break the silence. Globally, as women’s rights issues like #EqualPay, #TimesUp, #HeForShe and swept across social media, Arab women have become more vocal. When finally, KSA relaxed rules around women’s rights, it was time to turn the moment into a #ICHOOSE movement.

Brief: As the region's No.1 chocolate brand, that stood for choice, how could we play a pioneering role in this pivotal time for women in Arab history?

Objective: Raise awareness through engagement and create a platform for a cause that resonates with our brand values.


What unites a group? Empowers a cause? Turns a shout into a roar ripping through the region. What invites every woman to sing her heart out with joy and every man to join in if he dares to care? The answer was the “I CHOOSE” power anthem. As a region, with a rich legacy of poetry we knew that the right lyrics could power the “I Choose” campaign and make it every Arab woman’s personal mantra as she boldly lived out her choices. It also resonated with everything the Galaxy woman of 2022 was: Optimistic, Independent and Authentic. “I Choose” anthem was an idea we passionately believed could become an iconic song that reverberated in every young girls’ room, every playlist, every radio show, every girls’ college graduation ceremony, every women’s sports event across the Middle East to represent this time when Arab women were taking agency of their lives.


Our primary demographic were millennials and Gen Z Arab women which also synched with Galaxy's target audience. We knew that the young Arab woman who was challenging the status quo, openly expressing herself on social media would be the driver of change and inspire cohorts older and younger to choose for themselves.

Integration came from consistently staying true to "I CHOOSE" as the one vehicle unifying messaging across all media touch-points. Placing it in as many places as possible so it becomes the No. 1 song in the region, that marked this historic moment in time.


The anthem recorded by Saudi's No.1 rising female underground artist Zena Emaad. For the first time ever, the video was shot by an Arab female director/ Arab female crew - a PR story in itself.

1. Roll out with a live launch on Anghami - the region's no.1 music streaming platform

2. Tied up with OSN to use "I Choose" as theme to launch their first exclusive female channel.

3. Pushed for contestants to sing I Choose in the region's biggest Talent TV show

4. Set up Karaoke booths instore/ onground to open access to as many people to memorise the lyrics

5. Gamified it online to popularise the lyrics

6. Generated content on social platforms to invite cover versions of the song

7. Created bite sized content featuring male singers to disrupt and widen reach

8. Influencer tie ups to promote song

9. Sparked 'choice' debates online


Reach: KSA:18M - (80% of TA)

UAE: 6.2M - (70% of TA)

EGY: 49.8M - (70% of TA)

Engagement rate of the end card was 40% which exceeded the platform’s engagement benchmark of 25%. Average Time Spent on a Gamified end card is 10 seconds. Galaxy’s campaign achieved the average time spent of 25.8 seconds.

Video Completion rate of the campaign was 87.6% which is 7.6% higher than the 80% benchmark.

Anghami / Social Platforms total Streams: 28.6 Million Streams

YouTube: I CHOOSE 30” skippable videos bypassed VCR benchmark by 15%.

Impact: Ad awareness: increased by 30% compared to 2021 beginning

Purchase intent & Consideration: increased by 15% compared to Q1 of 2021

Product recommendation: increased by 29pts among the age group 15-45+

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