

DARE.WIN, Paris / BACARDI / 2019

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Case Film
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Situation : Make Get 27 great again

Brand values : Fun, Fresh, French

Brief : Create a brand experience outstanding enough to develop brand desirability

Objectives : Recruit the next generation of Get lovers by catching & triggering their attention

Install a Get Reflex by infiltrating moments of consumption

Be visible & be talked about

Budget : we don't have the right to talk about it.


This summer, France endured the highest heat wave since 1947. In Paris, the temperatures reached over 43 degrees celsius and people were desperately needing refreshment.

So we came up with Fresh solution !

Green Paint, but not just any paint : exclusive, innovative Therma Cote paint which create a thermal barrier to trap heat to bring temperature down by 9 degrees celsius.

Then we thought what can we paint with this ? A glass, a table, a whole bar ? No a street, an unprecedented operation for an alcohol brand !

That’s how we created the freshest street in France, in a heart of Paris where people really need freshness.The Get Street became the place to be in Paris, as a result we made Get 27 the most refreshing drink ever !


Get is always associated with friendly moments : Get Tour


When the heat comes, the struggle to find a source of freshness is real. And in an urban area, this quest for freshness becomes a real obsession.

We wondered....How to bring a Get wave into cities? A fresh, fun & French wave that install the GET momentum, Generate social conversations and national PR coverage

The target : mixed, legal drinking age : 18-29 years old, Festive, Convivial, Unpretentious

Consumers were directly affected in their daily lives (street, bars, restaurants)


This live event take place for four days (11th of July to 14th of July) in the heart of Paris (rue buttes aux cailles).

A fall street covered in green paint, 566m2 covered (ground, wall, lamp post, cars, benches) and everything in between was covered in green ; with 140 liters of paint by no less than 45 technicians in 50 hours.


PR event

More than 40 influencers and more than 30 journalist during the press event

211 stories by influencers / 44 posts by influencers

PR coverage

More than 40 articles + Tv coverage of the activation (2 national television)

589 476 637 indirect contacts / 512 479€ media value

Live Event

1 607 GET drinks enjoyedin the HQ & GET bars

6 632 direct sales / 4050 bottles of GET 27 and 1578 bottles of GET X COLD

+ 98,8% Evolution of promotional business FOR GET 27 (VS LAST YEAR)

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