Cannes Lions


MEDIACOM GERMANY, Dusseldorf / EA GAMES / 2011

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Surprise the audiences in their hero-media:Casual Gamers: Gaming is entertainment- TV: we integrated NfS into “The Simpsons” using the “Simpsons – Split”. A fluent crossover from programme to commercial break made it look like NfS was an actual part of the show.

- Print: in the no.1 men’s magazine FHM, a 6 page photo story featuring girls and NfS-branded cars was published.

- Cinema. a state-of-the-art sound spot was produced to demonstrate the powerful sound of NfS to let the audience “feel” the action.

Car Enthusiasts: Gaming is a real life experience- Using small fake advertisements in car magazines, offering vehicles featuring in NfS, we showed how realistic the graphics are.- We teamed up with a TV station. To get as close to the content as possible, we created a new TV special ad, the “Duel split” for the "Bullrun" broadcast, a high-end automotive rally.


Sales soared with 40% vs. the last release.

Additionally the gaming community went crazy about the NfS – Hot Pursuit. In the launch week a huge buzz was created with a raise of 254% in blog communication and an uplift of communicating users of 400%. We got enthusiastic reactions towards the game not only in tests and in gaming magazines but also in forums.

However, not only Casual Gamers showed enthusiastic reactions. Car Enthusiasts didn’t even realize at first sight that it was an ad for a racing game, so they called up the magazines to buy the hot rides.

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