Cannes Lions

Let's Make it Real

Y&R NEW YORK, New York / DELL / 2018







Arthur C. Clarke’s Third Law states “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Very true. But here’s the rub — while it might feel like magic, the truth is, it takes a lot of smart people and technical know-how behind the scenes to make it happen. And its what Dell Technologies does every day. This spot was meant to shine a light on that. But we didn’t want to resort to digital “magic” to make our point. We wanted viewers to see behind-the-scenes. So, partnering with Framestore, we used projection mapping, film scrims and in-camera techniques to create a spot that looks like magic — but is in fact very real. And we didn’t shy away from letting viewers in on the tricks. The result is a peek behind the curtain of filmmaking — and proof that Dell knows what it takes to make digital transformation happen.

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