Cannes Lions


OGILVYONE, London / IBM / 2011

Presentation Image






We took over Heathrow’s Terminal 5 departure lounge for the two weeks of the Wimbledon Tennis Championships.

Then to promote Lotus’ live data connecting capabilities, we took live scores from Wimbledon and live air traffic control data from Heathrow, then mashed it up with tennis players’ nationalities to create live, customised updates for passengers.

The updates looked just like the official airport ones and over 300 of them appeared on all 73 digital airport screens - transforming the departure lounge for the whole of Wimbledon fortnight.The live event was supported by a Wimbledon widget that delivered live scores to Lotus browsers.


The activity made Lotus a talking point amongst potential customers. It went from being thought of as a tired email system, to a clever and dynamic program that could help your businesses work more effectively.

During the period that the event was live, visits to the website rose by an exceptional 300%. From there our Lotus Wimbledon widget was installed by over 1,800 people, creating new leads at 656 different companies.

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