Cannes Lions

Piquentum St. Vital Series - Wine Collection through which nature speaks out


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Case Film






Vintage year is always denoted on the bottle, but how many of us really understand it? It actually witnesses the natural conditions in which the wine matured; it is its own BIOGRAPHY. We decided to rise awareness about the importance of understanding the year indicated on the bottles. With the use of pesticides and balancing flavors, it eventually lost its meaning, flavors are becoming ready-made and unrelated to the actual weather conditions. The labels are using the data about the weather conditions in the territory of vineyard (the amount of precipitation) and interpreting them so that consumers can understand how different weather conditions affect the diversity of flavors, since wine is exclusively a product of nature itself. This collection promotes the producer’s key values that are within all his products.


In cooperation with the National Meteorological Institute, the data on weather conditions in the territory of vineyards were collected. The amount of precipitation, as the most changeable variable, proved to be a great tool to show graphically how much weather actually affects the diversity of nature every year. Circles, standard meteorological rain symbols, show the amount of rainfall in a particular month, and the labels convey at first glance what was the vintage year like, and what kind of wine tastes can be expected. Graphic elements have been reduced to mere basic symbols considering that wine produced by nature doesn’t require additional decorations, neither in its taste nor in its packaging. This wine collection wants to encourage thinking and discussion. In such a way, wine, as one of the historically most acclaimed product, becomes a medium that speaks out about the importance of understanding the nature.



Selling season 2016/17 compared to the 2015/16:

Orders increased by 70% on the hitherto existing foreign markets (Italy, USA, Austria, France)

Opening of new foreign markets (UK, Switzerland, Sweden, Netherlands, Japan)

Vintages 2012/2013/2014 (Piquentum Sv. Vital + all other Piquentum wines) – SOLD OUT!

The result is a collection of wines that encourages reflection and discussion during the selection and consumption of wine, teaches that wine is nature’s advocate and the vintage year must be integrated in the flavors that it offers.

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