Cannes Lions

Power Branding


Case Film
Presentation Image






Athletes have become commodities; their image, style, and even initials absorbed as part of the great commercial machine. Major companies, like Nike and Adidas, spend millions of dollars to own the visual identities of iconic players. Powerade wants to disrupt the model, and take the power out of the hands of brands and put it back into the hands of athletes, by creating bespoke visual identities they can own in perpetuity.


To empower athletes, we sought to put the control back in these athletes’ hands. Thus, our idea: Power Branding.

We bestowed all 48 players with the power to own their very own, professionally designed brand identity. So, whether these athletes go pro or not, they all know they have the power to own their own identity.


Sports branding is evolving. We’re moving from the era of teams and brands owning the identities of players to the individual athlete wresting control of their personal brand. But this trend currently only extends to the elite few.

Powerade seeks to empower athletes. So, we went to the place where the next generation of basketball superstars are born—The High School All-American Game. Which is also where big brands go to find the next generation of revenue streams to help extend their reach.

However, instead of identifying the elite few, would-be superstars, Powerade gave all 48 participants of the men’s and women’s teams the power to own their identities, forever.


As part of Power Branding, we commissioned a team of designers who’ve worked on the biggest sports apparel brands. Each participant’s logo was designed to build off their initials, silhouettes, and nicknames; the same creative process used by Nike, Adidas, and Under Armour.

All 48 participants received beautiful custom kits, full of gear bearing their bespoke logos. Most importantly, each player received a document, turning over full ownership and copyright of the design to them, allowing them to use it however they wish, in perpetuity.


Power Branding was an instant hit with the participants, who were in awe of their personal logos. And thanks to the players’ respective social followings, the project’s impact went far beyond the court.

48 custom logos and kits for 48 athletes

48 social shares to 1.8MM combined followers

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