Cannes Lions

Safest Route

MARCEL, Paris / GROUPAMA / 2017


1 Bronze Cannes Lions
8 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
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THE SAFEST ROUTE (, the first navigation tool that puts your safety first.For the first time, the French State has made public in open source all road accident data. Groupama has decided to use them by cross-referencing them with the accident notifications of its 3 million policyholders to create the first service generating the least dangerous route. By using the geolocalisation data of the 700,000 reported accidents and by creating an algorithm allowing one to avoid driving on dangerous roads, without adding too much additional driving time.

Thanks to THE SAFEST ROUTE, everyone can easily compare the route that all GPS give, the fastest route with the safest route. And everyone can realise that by slightly modifying his/her daily route, he/she can significantly reduce the risks of having an accident.

When all GPS suggest the fastest or the shortest route, it was time to create a tool that gives youthesafest.


One year was necessary to develop THE SAFEST ROUTE (, so that the service may be reliable, efficient and accessible on all devices. We have launched the service through a cross-media campaign on a national scale (in-store, print, OOH, DOH, radio, social networks, web, e-mailing, PR).


Through digital media, the campaign has generated over 13 million impressions during its first week of airing. It also generated strong PR visibility. Among those, several TV shows dedicated entire reports to THE SAFEST ROUTE, saluting how the insurer used data for the common good.

The campaign generated a total of 30 million media impressions and 5,5million€ in earned media. 3,5million routes were calculated during the first week and THE SAFEST ROUTE was shared more than 225,000 times.

One of the most exciting results is that we were contacted by Autolib’, a famous electric car sharing service in Paris, to work with us to improve our tool and integrate it in all its cars.

In conclusion, Groupama managed to stir the national debate to make safety the number one criteria to every trip. It changed millions of drivers’ minds, and made sure more people think of Groupama when switching insurance.

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