Dubai Lynx

Saudi goes to The Continent


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Case Film
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The Witcher is a fantasy drama layered with multiple elements set in The Continent, a multiverse inhabited by many species - Witchers, Elves, Mages, Humans & Monsters. We knew that fans of the books and the game already had a vested interest in this title, but we had to create the fantasy for everyone else in Saudi, by painting a picture of this new world filled with strange places, magic and Witcher lore.


To make The Witcher relevant for the locals, we had to go local. Our idea was to take Saudi on a trip to the Continent in a campaign that travelled from the streets to their screens. We started with a teaser that only existing fans would know and love, and used their fandom to trigger the conversation that would create new fans.


Conservative laws in Saudi Arabia make it very hard for entertainment companies to advertise their shows in the Kingdom. With 65% of Saudis being under the age of 35, social media has prevailed giving voice to the people like never before. And Saudi Content Creators & Influencers reign.

So we came up with a fresh approach to excite the Kingdom with the launch of The Witcher keeping these two things in mind. We created a campaign that travelled from their local streets to their screens and leveraged the influence of two of the most popular influencers in The Kingdom (Darin Al Bayad & The Saudi Reporters) to immerse Saudi into the world of The Witcher.


We released a teaser that existing Witcher fans would appreciate. We designed billboards to look exactly like Saudi’s local road signs. Except, all roads led to key cities in the Continent.

Once the Saudi internet was talking, we sent a mysterious Witcher kit to two huge Saudi influencers. The unboxing revealed a cryptic invite, Witcher potions giving them special powers, Witcher currency and a map of the Continent. This triggered a wave of excitement amongst a whole new audience.

The final piece was a film where we took Saudi on a flight to Cintra through the eyes of our two influencers. But this wasn’t an everyday flight. The airport had strange folk and a series of humorous encounters with mythical creatures and other magical elements. The film was posted on the influencers’ social channels as well on Netflix’s channels, giving Saudi a taste of what awaits them in Season 1.


The Saudi internet loved our road signs and spread the word about them online. They even made it to Reddit.

Over 2 million organic views for the film featuring the influencers.

Over 200K organic views for the unboxing videos on the influencer’s channels.

Over 12% organic engagement.

The Witcher was trending on Saudi Twitter.

The Witcher becomes one of the most popular shows in Saudi.

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