Cannes Lions

Seed for the Future

LLYC, Sao Paulo / BBVA / 2023

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BBVA, a leading bank concerned about sustainability, faced two major challenges linked to its strategic objective of differentiation in sustainability. On the one hand, the low awareness and lack of engagement on the part of the bank's customers and public opinion and, on the other hand, the lack of legitimacy and differentiation around its activity and commitment (in such an accommodating territory).

Thus, BBVA had an emblematic project with a double objective:

1. Increase reach and engagement, generating a community interested in food and responsible production methods that would get involved and interact with the bank and El Celler de Can Roca in this new territory.

2. To build the bank's positioning in this territory in a robust and long-term manner, generating alliances with other stakeholders with greater influence, relevance and experience in the territory that could endorse its contribution from the financial industry to sustainable development.


Considering the imminent extinction of natural resources and agricultural genetic diversity, Seeds for the Future is an idea born to preserve the biodiversity of our planet. A project whose objective was to recover extinct ingredients from seed banks around the world and turn them into the first menu created from disappeared ingredients.

To achieve this, we turned to the memory and recipes of the Roca brothers' mother, who began a gastronomic journey through 3 continents and visited more than 10 seed banks. The result was a menu of 15 dishes with lost flavors, recovered thanks to forgotten ingredients. The main element of the project was a short documentary, which narrates the adventure of Montserrat and her children to recover the flavors of the past.

This is a clear example of how an idea can start a movement among great chefs and connect with consumers to raise awareness about social issues.


At this point, we initiated a strategic reflection to achieve the established objectives, because FAO estimates that within the last century, more than 75% of the seeds of our planet have disappeared, and along with them, food and flavours that only remain in the memory of those who were able to taste them.

This cultivation extinction is not only a risk to our planet but also to our own health, traditions, legacy and culture. Bearing that in mind, we realized that maybe food production and the extinction of some ingredients can be the ultimate tool for a change.

This is the main topic explored in “Seeds for the Future”, a BBVA’s documentary that portrays the journey of the three-Michelin Star chefs leading “El Celler de Can Roca” restaurant.


Since its inception, the project has generated great media impact, reaching an audience of more than 670K and 1,540 impacts in national and international media.

Seeds for the Future was a milestone in terms of engaging with key players in the global conversation on biodiversity and sustainable gastronomy. The Roca Brothers were spokespersons at the opening ceremony of the ninth meeting of the Governing Body of the FAO International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. This is the first international meeting of the food and agriculture sector to discuss the new biodiversity pact in depth.

In addition, on World Food Day, FAO has proposed the Roca Brothers as Food Heroes at a congress to be held in Rome on November 16 this year and the creation of a joint program between the Roca Brothers, FAO and BBVA to put chefs at the center of the fight against

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