Cannes Lions

Small Businesses United

MEDIACOM, London / EBAY / 2022

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Case Film
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eBay is unique to its competitive set in that it is an online marketplace for over 300,000 small businesses in the UK alone. In fact, over 80% of purchases on the site go through a small business. So, the success of eBay very much rests on the success of small businesses.

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, most of these small businesses were badly affected. Lacking the resources of the major players, many small businesses were in serious trouble. We needed to support them in order to support eBay.

Conventional advertising solutions were failing to convey the true emotional message that livelihoods were on the line. We needed to find a solution that dramatically communicated the importance of these businesses, many of whom played a vital role in their local communities and economies.


Our solution came in the unlikely form of football. Armed with the insight that 83% of football supporters agree their club plays an important role in its community, we believed that football could be the vehicle to demonstrate that small businesses also have a vital part to play in their local area.

Smaller football clubs were struggling too. Living in an entirely different world than the premiership bigshots, with no billionaires to pay the bills, they were watching their debts rise. The EFL lost £250m at the start of the pandemic due to lost crowds and lost sponsorship revenue.

With football clubs and small businesses both struggling - this felt like the perfect match.


Introducing ‘Small Businesses United’: the first-of-its-kind micro sports sponsorship platform.

eBay partnered with 72 EFL and 68 grassroots football clubs. Each small business partnered with their local team to receive exposure via on-shirt branding, matchday programmes, stadium advertising and club marketing– a lifeline during the pandemic. All thanks to eBay.

Partnering with tech company Ralloo, we made a platform to allow football clubs to upload what financial support they needed and small businesses to apply as sponsors.

Giving local businesses local exposure ensured their survival throughout Covid. Each sponsorship message was accompanied by the words ‘Powered by eBay’, earning eBay brand awareness.

Small businesses benefited. Football cubs benefited. eBay benefited. A win-win-win. But we wanted to take it further – bringing on-board footballing legends.

In a world-first, grassroots teams could bid on a star player transfer on eBay – for £5. The players? Brazilian legend Roberto Carlos and Eni Aluko.


Localised OOH and social drove awareness in each club and business’s community, bolstered by sponsorship of ITV’s regional sports bulletins, heroing relevant clubs and businesses across ten UK regions.

By partnering with EFL broadcaster, Sky Sports, we achieved national scale with TV assets featuring footballing hero Adebayo Akinfenwa discussing his local club and supporting business.

We mirrored Transfer Day excitement with faux reportage and rumour coverage with pundit Chris Kamara, via Sky Sports. Content creators at Joe Media used reporter Fabrizio to stoke the gossip. Game day offered news broadcasters the chance to capture highlights for social.

Aluko will play for Pevensey and Westham FC, while winning men’s team, Bull in the Barne United, changed the name of their local pub to the ‘Bulletman in the Barne” after winning the raffle for Carlos. Proceeds from the bids went to charity Football Beyond Borders, which uses football to change young lives.


The campaign communicated our message: 43% of online shoppers said it made them want to support small businesses on eBay.

Purchase intent for eBay more than trebled – increasing by 269%.

Our Transfer Window activation was debated on BBC Breakfast and covered by editorial amidst the real transfer window news. The signing of Carlos made headlines worldwide.

And we positively impacted the small businesses involved:

“My advice to anyone offered the opportunity to join the Small Businesses United scheme is to grab it with both hands, it's the best thing I've ever done for my business”. Chris Loder - Magnolia Records.

"Nothing ever comes from the top to the grassroots. What's needed is investment in grassroots football and for us to have this opportunity with eBay is just phenomenal. It's humbling when you see an organisation that wants to help grassroots." Dave Horrocks, Chairman and coach of Fletcher Moss Rangers.

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