Cannes Lions


JWT, Amsterdam / SEAT / 2013

Presentation Image






We created an interactive performance at the biggest cultural festival in the Netherlands, the UitMarkt. In 'Take a Seat for Culture', you control the music. Our stage worked like a mirror, each member of the audience was connected to a corresponding musician. As soon as they took their seat, their mirror musician played, get up and they stopped. In this way the visitor could instantly see how their support influenced the music. And of course the more people that took a seat the richer the whole performance became.


We strategically placed our stage next to the biggest stage in the UitMarkt. And adjusted our programme accordingly so that as soon as their performances ended, ours began. This meant we were able to draw in a large audience to watch the show and also participate. And most important of all, experience our message.

We wanted to prove the fact that giving to culture is worth more than just money and with this activation we also gained support within the cultural industry by showing the ministry of OCW actively did something in order to create this culture of giving.

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