Cannes Lions

The Awareness Traffic Light

ALMACEN, Olivos / HONDA / 2022

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In Argentina, road safety is the second concern of Argentines when they go out on the street.

18 deaths are recorded in traffic accidents per day, which means 6,627 victims per year.

50% of traffic accidents involve a motorcycle.

But the most alarming fact is that 4 out of 10 motorcyclists do not wear a helmet. They hold it on their elbow just in case there is traffic control. (*)

In this context, it was absolutely necessary to think of a high-impact campaign to raise awareness about the consequences of NOT wearing a helmet.

The objective was clear - bring on the media agenda the importance of wearing a helmet, generate conversation on social media –the media closest to our main target-, communicate with motorcyclists, and, in this way, promote a change of attitude regarding this social behaviour, having Honda associated as the “motorcycle brand” committed with safe driving practices.


A smart traffic light with facial recognition was developed. It detected motorcyclists who were not wearing a helmet when circulating. Until they put it on, the light would not turn green. The traffic light itself held a screen through which the motorcyclist was warned about his infringement.

How did it get viral? We generated a “casual” video where an influencer (Florencia Vigna) found the traffic light as she was circulating in the street. Surprised, she started filming it and shared it on her social media.


According to the Argentine Ministry of Transportation, almost 50% of traffic accidents involve motorcycles.

44% of the fatal victims are 15-36 years old. And 4 out of ten do not wear a helmet.

This year, the pandemic added complexity. With the increasing use of motorcycles as safe transportation mean, new motorcyclists appeared, sometimes without knowledge about driving safety, especially about the habit of NOT wearing a helmet. Our main target was 15-36 years old motorcyclists.

We decided to move away from traditional campaigns and use an everyday element -not considered to be a communication platform, as in the case of a traffic light- together with technology, as drivers to call attention.

How did it get viral? We generated a “casual” video where an influencer (Florencia Vigna) found the traffic light as she was circulating in the street. Surprised, she started filming it and shared it on her social media.


The traffic light was implemented on March 14, 2021, in the district of Campana, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The campaign was active until April 16.

The Media used were the traffic light and the influencer’s Tik Tok.


First 24 hours:

11 million views

2 million “Likes”

90 thousand shares

7 days campaign

60 million organic views

4 million interactions

230 thousand shares

1.68 million results on Google

More than 80 thousand videos organically seeded on the web.

Google recorded an 870% increase in the word “helmet” with Honda as the main associated brand.

TikTok, the most relevant social media for your target, concentrated the highest percentage of views and interactions.

The information reached the main news TV shows and the main portals across the country, with an estimated reach of 16 million contacts.

The news was also spread to different parts of the world.

City councils and province governments contacted Honda to implement the Awareness Traffic Light locally.

Salta City Council approved the project to implement the Awareness Traffic Light in the city.

The International Automobile Federation considered the Awareness Traffic Light for different Latin American towns.

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2018, HONDA

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