Cannes Lions
DDB CANADA, Vancouver / NETFLIX / 2016
Based on the insight that fans of Daredevil are active on social, we crowdsourced the fight between our 3 main characters and brought our static boards alive. Every 48 hours leading up to the launch, the most talked-about character on the Daredevil social channels struck a blow against his or her enemies, adding cuts, bruises, bullet holes and other physical damage to their billboards.
Every day we scraped all of Daredevil’s social channels for conversations that were happening about the characters in anticipation for launch.
Every use of the hashtags #daredevil, #punisher or #elektra was a vote for that character. And at the end of 48 hours the winning character would get to inflict damage on the others.
While the billboard vendors were busy updating the static boards with cuts, bruises, bullet holes and other physical damage we were filming the entire process and updating the world on the fight.
The more characters showed damage, the more the world responded with further social conversation to finish those characters off, or come to the defense of their favourite.
In the end, the Twitter engagement for the campaign (13.57%) exceeded the industry average of 4.7% and helped to make Daredevil Season 2 one of Netflix’s largest launches ever.
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